StatusSetterPlume {plume}R Documentation

StatusSetterPlume class


Internal class extending StatusSetter for Plume.

Super classes

plume::NameHandler -> plume::PlumeHandler -> plume::StatusSetter -> StatusSetterPlume


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method set_main_contributors()

Force one or more contributors' names to appear first in the contribution list.

StatusSetterPlume$set_main_contributors(..., .roles = NULL, .by)

One or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. Expressions matching values in the column defined by by/.by determine main contributors. Expressions can be named after any role to set different main contributors to different roles at once, in which case the .roles parameter only applies roles that are not already set to unnamed expressions. Matching of values is case-insensitive.


Roles to assign main contributors to. If .roles is a named vector, only the names will be used.


Variable used to specify which authors are main contributors. By default, uses authors' id.


The class instance.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

StatusSetterPlume$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

[Package plume version 0.2.4 Index]