Mutable and Dynamic Data Models

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Documentation for package ‘plumbr’ version 0.6.10

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$.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
$.mutalist mutalist
$<-.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
$<-.mutalist mutalist
add_listener Plumbr events Coercion to data.frame mutalist
as.factor-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
as.integer-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
as.list.mutaframe Coercion to list
as.list.mutalist mutalist
as.logical-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
as.matrix-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the selection of 1D and 2D regions in plot/data space.
as.mutaframe Coercion to mutaframe Coercion to mutaframe
as.mutaframe.default Coercion to mutaframe
as.mutaframe.mutaframe Coercion to mutaframe
as.numeric-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
as.vector-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
c.mutalist mutalist
changed Get the 'changed' signal
class:ItemSelection The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
class:RegionSelection The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the selection of 1D and 2D regions in plot/data space.
class:Selection Selection
coerce-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
coerce-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the selection of 1D and 2D regions in plot/data space.
combine_data_events Combine list of events into single event.
DataSelection Selection in Data
duplex_data_linker Duplex linking
head.mutalist mutalist
is.mutaframe Test for mutaframes
is_paused Is a mutaframe currently paused?
ItemSelection The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
ItemSelection-class The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
lapply.mutalist mutalist
length.mutalist mutalist
match_any_linker match_any_linker
mutaframe Create a mutaframe, a mutable data.frame
mutaframe-class Create a mutaframe, a mutable data.frame
mutalist mutalist
mutalist-class mutalist
mutalist2env mutalist
names.mutalist mutalist
names<-.mutalist mutalist
notify_listeners Notify listeners that data has changed.
pause Pause (cache) events.
print.mutalist mutalist
proxy_bindings Generate binding for proxies.
raw_binding Generate binding for raw values
raw_bindings Generate binding for raw values
RegionSelection The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the selection of 1D and 2D regions in plot/data space.
RegionSelection-class The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the selection of 1D and 2D regions in plot/data space.
remove_listener Remove a listener, identified by the ID returned by 'add_listener'.
rep.mutalist mutalist
rev.mutalist mutalist
Selection-class Selection
shape_changed Is the event a shape changed event?
tail.mutalist mutalist
unlist.mutalist mutalist
unpause Unpause (reply) events.
variable_names Make valid variable names
which-method The 'ItemSelection' class implements 'Selection' for the very common case of selecting items in a dataset, optionally with weights.
[.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
[.mutalist mutalist
[<-.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
[<-.mutalist mutalist
[[.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
[[.mutalist mutalist
[[<-.mutaframe Extraction and Replacement
[[<-.mutalist mutalist