technology {plspm}R Documentation

Technology data set


This data set contains the variables from a "user and acceptance of technology" model on 300 users.




A data frame with 300 observations and 21 variables. Variables can be grouped in six latent concepts: 1) PERF_EXP=Performance Expectancy, 2) EFF_EXP=Effort Expectancy, 3) SUB_NORM=Subjective Norm, 4) FAC_COND=Facilitating Conditions, 5) BEH_INT=Behavioral Intention, and 6) USE_BEH=Use Behavior.

Num Variable Description
1 pe1 I find computers useful in my job
2 pe2 Using computers in my job enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly
3 pe3 Using computers in my job increases my productivity
4 pe4 Using computers enhances my effectiveness on the job
5 ee1 My interactions with computers are clear and understandable
6 ee2 It is easy for me to become skillful using computers
7 ee3 I find computers easy to use
8 ee4 Learning to use computers is easy for me
9 sn1 Most people who are important to me think I should use computers
10 sn2 Most people who are important to me would want me to use computers
11 sn3 People whose opinions I value would prefer me to use computers
12 fc1 I have the resources and the knowledge and the ability to make use of the computer
13 fc1 A central support was available to help with computer problems
14 fc1 Management provided most of the necessary help and resources for computing
15 bi1 I predict I will continue to use computers on a regular basis
16 bi2 What are the chances in 100 that you will continue as a computer user?
17 bi3 To do my work, I would use computers rather than any other means available
18 use1 On an average working day, how much time do you spend using computers?
19 use2 On average, how frequently do you use computers?
20 use3 How many different computer applications have you worked with or used in your job?
21 use4 According to your job requirements, indicate each task you use computers to perform?


Venkatesh V., Morris M.G., Davis G.B., Davis F.D. (2003) User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly, Vol. 27 (3): 425-478.



[Package plspm version 0.5.1 Index]