offense {plspm} | R Documentation |
Offense dataset
Dataset with offense statistics of American football teams from the NFL (2010-2011 season).
A data frame with 32 teams on the following 17 variables. The variables may be used to construct five suggested latent concepts: 1) RUSH
=Rushing Quality, 2) PASS
=Passing Quality, 3) SPEC
=Special Teams and Other, 4) SCORING
=Scoring Success, 5)OFFENSE
=Offense Performance
Num | Variable | Description | Concept |
1 | YardsRushAtt | Yards per Rush Attempt | RUSH |
2 | RushYards | Rush Yards per game | RUSH |
3 | RushFirstDown | Rush First Downs per game | RUSH |
4 | YardsPassComp | Yards Pass Completion | PASS |
5 | PassYards | Passed Yards per game | PASS |
6 | PassFirstDown | Pass First Downs per game | PASS |
7 | FieldGoals | Field Goals per game | SPEC |
8 | OtherTDs | Other Touchdowns (non-offense) per game | SPEC |
9 | PointsGame | Points per game | SCORING |
10 | OffensTD | Offense Touchdowns per game | SCORING |
11 | TDGame | Touchdowns per game | SCORING |
12 | PassTDG | Passing Touchdowns per game | OFFENSE |
13 | RushTDG | Rushing Touchdowns per game | OFFENSE |
14 | PlaysGame | Plays per game | OFFENSE |
15 | YardsPlay | Yards per Play | OFFENSE |
16 | FirstDownPlay | First Downs per Play | OFFENSE |
17 | OffTimePossPerc | Offense Time Possession Percentage | OFFENSE |
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[Package plspm version 0.5.1 Index]