Degrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression

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Documentation for package ‘plsdof’ version 0.3-2

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plsdof-package Degrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression
benchmark.pls Comparison of model selection criteria for Partial Least Squares Regression.
benchmark.regression Comparison of Partial Least Squares Regression, Principal Components Regression and Ridge Regression.
coef.plsdof Regression coefficients
compute.lower.bound Lower bound for the Degrees of Freedom
dA Derivative of normalization function
dnormalize Derivative of normalization function
dvvtz First derivative of the projection operator
first.local.minimum Index of the first local minimum.
information.criteria Information criteria Kernel Partial Least Squares Fit
krylov Krylov sequence Linear Partial Least Squares Fit
normalize Normalization of vectors
pcr Principal Components Regression Model selection for Princinpal Components regression based on cross-validation Model selection for Partial Least Squares based on cross-validation
pls.dof Computation of the Degrees of Freedom
pls.ic Model selection for Partial Least Squares based on information criteria
pls.model Partial Least Squares
plsdof Degrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression Ridge Regression.
tr Trace of a matrix
vcov.plsdof Variance-covariance matrix
vvtz Projectin operator