plotwidgets-package |
Plot widgets |
col2hsl |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
col2rgb.2 |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
colorConversions |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
contrastcol |
Modify colors |
darkenCol |
Modify colors |
hsl2col |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
hsl2rgb |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
listPlotWidgets |
List available plot widgets |
modCol |
Modify colors |
modhueCol |
Modify colors |
plotPals |
Return all or selected color palettes |
plotWidget |
Plot widgets |
plotwidgetGallery |
A showcase of all plot types available in plotwidgets |
plotwidgets |
Plot widgets |
rgb2col |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
rgb2hsl |
Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats |
saturateCol |
Modify colors |
showPals |
Demonstrate selected palettes |
wgBarplot |
Plot widgets |
wgBoxpie |
Plot widgets |
wgBurst |
Plot widgets |
wgPie |
Plot widgets |
wgPlanets |
Plot widgets |
wgRing |
Plot widgets |
wgRoccurve |
Plot widgets |
wgRug |
Plot widgets |
wgSpider |
Plot widgets |