Spider Plots, ROC Curves, Pie Charts and More for Use in Other Plots

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Documentation for package ‘plotwidgets’ version 0.5.1

Help Pages

plotwidgets-package Plot widgets
col2hsl Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
col2rgb.2 Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
colorConversions Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
contrastcol Modify colors
darkenCol Modify colors
hsl2col Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
hsl2rgb Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
listPlotWidgets List available plot widgets
modCol Modify colors
modhueCol Modify colors
plotPals Return all or selected color palettes
plotWidget Plot widgets
plotwidgetGallery A showcase of all plot types available in plotwidgets
plotwidgets Plot widgets
rgb2col Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
rgb2hsl Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
saturateCol Modify colors
showPals Demonstrate selected palettes
wgBarplot Plot widgets
wgBoxpie Plot widgets
wgBurst Plot widgets
wgPie Plot widgets
wgPlanets Plot widgets
wgRing Plot widgets
wgRoccurve Plot widgets
wgRug Plot widgets
wgSpider Plot widgets