add_annotations | Add an annotation(s) to a plot |
add_area | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_bars | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_boxplot | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_choropleth | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_contour | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_data | Add data to a plotly visualization |
add_fun | Apply function to plot, without modifying data |
add_heatmap | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_histogram | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_histogram2d | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_histogram2dcontour | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_image | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_lines | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_markers | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_mesh | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_paths | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_pie | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_polygons | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_ribbons | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_scattergeo | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_segments | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_sf | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_surface | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_table | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_text | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
add_trace | Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization |
animation | Animation configuration options |
animation_button | Animation configuration options |
animation_opts | Animation configuration options |
animation_slider | Animation configuration options |
api | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_create | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_create.data.frame | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_create.ggplot | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_create.plotly | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_download_grid | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
api_download_plot | Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2) |
arrange.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
arrange_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
as.widget | Convert a plotly object to an htmlwidget object |
as_widget | Convert a list to a plotly htmlwidget object |
attrs_selected | Specify attributes of selection traces |
bbox | Estimate bounding box of a rotated string |
colorbar | Modify the colorbar |
config | Set the default configuration for plotly |
distinct.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
distinct_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
do.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
do_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
embed_notebook | Embed a plot as an iframe into a Jupyter Notebook |
event_data | Access plotly user input event data in shiny |
event_register | Register a shiny input value |
event_unregister | Un-register a shiny input value |
export | Export a plotly graph to a static file |
filter.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
filter_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
geom2trace | Convert a "basic" geoms to a plotly.js trace. |
get_figure | Request a figure object |
gg2list | Convert a ggplot to a list. |
ggplotly | Convert ggplot2 to plotly |
group2NA | Separate groups with missing values |
groups.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
group_by.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
group_by_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
hide_colorbar | Hide color bar(s) |
hide_guides | Hide guides (legends and colorbars) |
hide_legend | Hide legend |
highlight | Query graphical elements in multiple linked views |
highlight_key | Highlight/query data based on primary key |
hobbs | Hobbs data |
kaleido | Save plot as a static image |
knit_print.api_grid | Embed a plotly grid as an iframe in a knitr doc |
knit_print.api_grid_local | Embed a plotly grid as an iframe in a knitr doc |
knit_print.api_plot | Embed a plotly figure as an iframe in a knitr doc |
last_plot | Retrieve the last plot to be modified or created. |
layout | Modify the layout of a plotly visualization |
mic | Mic data |
mutate.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
mutate_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
offline | Plotly Offline |
orca | Static image exporting via orca |
orca_serve | Static image exporting via orca |
partial_bundle | Use a partial bundle of plotly.js |
plotly-shiny | Shiny bindings for plotly |
plotlyOutput | Shiny bindings for plotly |
plotlyProxy | Modify a plotly object inside a shiny app |
plotlyProxyInvoke | Modify a plotly object inside a shiny app |
plotly_build | 'Build' (i.e., evaluate) a plotly object |
plotly_data | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
plotly_empty | Create a complete empty plotly graph. |
plotly_example | Run a plotly example(s) |
plotly_IMAGE | Create a static image |
plotly_json | Inspect JSON sent to plotly.js |
plotly_POST | Create/Modify plotly graphs |
plot_dendro | Plot an interactive dendrogram |
plot_geo | Initiate a plotly-geo object |
plot_ly | Initiate a plotly visualization |
plot_mapbox | Initiate a plotly-mapbox object |
print.api | Print method for a 'generic' API response |
print.api_grid | Print a plotly grid object |
print.api_grid_local | Print a plotly grid object |
print.api_plot | Print a plot on plotly's platform |
rangeslider | Add a range slider to the x-axis |
raster2uri | Encode a raster object as a data URI |
remove_typedarray_polyfill | Remove TypedArray polyfill |
rename.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
rename_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
renderPlotly | Shiny bindings for plotly |
res_mn | Minnesotan Indian Reservation Lands |
save_image | Save plot as a static image |
schema | Acquire (and optionally display) plotly's plot schema |
select.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
select_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
showRGB | View colors already formatted by toRGB() |
signup | Create a new plotly account. |
slice.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
slice_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
style | Modify trace(s) |
subplot | View multiple plots in a single view |
summarise.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
summarise_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
TeX | Render TeX in a plotly graph using MathJax |
toRGB | Convert R colours to RGBA hexadecimal colour values |
toWebGL | Convert trace types to WebGL |
to_basic | Convert a geom to a "basic" geom. |
transmute.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
transmute_.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
ungroup.plotly | Obtain data associated with a plotly graph |
wind | Wind data |