car2 {plfm} | R Documentation |
Judgements on associations between car models and car attributes
The data consist of the binary judgements of 147 respondents about the association between each of 12 car models and each of 23 car attributes.
The data consist of a list of 5 objects:
data3w: A 147 X 12 X 23 array of binary judgements. The observation in cell (i,j,k) equals 1 if respondent i indicates that car j has attribute k, and 0 otherwise.
freq1: A 12 X 23 matrix of frequencies. The frequency in cell (j,k) indicates how many of 147 respondents indicate an association between car model j and attribute k.
freqtot: A 12 X 23 matrix of frequencies. The frequency in cell (j,k) indicates the total number of respondents who judged the car-attribute pair (j,k).
M\"ahler, R. (2014). Analyse van perceptie en preferentie van middelgrote wagens. [translation from Dutch: Analysis of perception and preference for midsize cars.] Master thesis. KU Leuven.
Meulders, M. and De Bruecker, P. (2018). Latent class probabilistic latent feature analysis of three-way three-mode binary data. Journal of Statistical Software, 87(1), 1-45.