plde {plde}R Documentation

Penalized Log-density Estimation Using Legendre Polynomials


This function gives the penalized log-density estimation using Legendre polynomials.


plde(X, initial_dimension = 100, number_lambdas = 200,
     L = -0.9, U = 0.9, ic = 'AIC', epsilon = 1e-5, max_iterations = 1000,
     number_rectangular = 1000, verbose = FALSE)



Input vector, of dimension nn.


Positive interger that decides initial dimension of Legendre polynomials. Default is 100.


The number of tuning parameter λ\lambda values. Default is 200.


Lower bound of transformed data. Default is -0.9.


Upper bound of transformed data. Default is +0.9.


Model selection criteria. 'AIC' or 'BIC' is used. Default is 'AIC'.


Positive real value that controls the iteration stopping criteria. In general, the smaller the value, convergence needs more iterations. Default is 1e-5.


Positive integer value that decides the maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.


Number of node points for numerical integration




The basic idea of implementation is to approximate the negative log-likelihood function by a quadratic function and then to solve penalized quadratic optimization problem using a coordinate descent algorithm. For a clear exposition of coordinate-wise updating scheme, we briefly explain a penalized univariate quadratic problem and its solution expressed as soft-thresholding operator soft_thresholding. We use this univariate case algorithm to update parameter vector coordinate-wisely to find a minimizer.


A list contains the whole fits of all tuning parameter λ\lambda sequence. For example, fit$sm[[k]] indicates the fit of kk th lambda.


JungJun Lee, Jae-Hwan Jhong, Young-Rae Cho, SungHwan Kim, Ja-yong Koo


This package is built on R version 3.4.2.


JungJun Lee, Jae-Hwan Jhong, Young-Rae Cho, SungHwan Kim and Ja-Yong Koo. "Penalized Log-density Estimation Using Legendre Polynomials." Submitted to Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (2017), in revision.

Friedman, Jerome, Trevor Hastie, and Rob Tibshirani. "Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent." Journal of statistical software 33.1 (2010): 1.

See Also

basic_values, compute_lambdas, fit_plde, model_selection


# clean up
rm(list = ls())
Eruption = faithful$eruptions
Waiting = faithful$waiting
n = length(Eruption)
# fit PLDE
fit_Eruption = plde(Eruption, initial_dimension = 30, number_lambdas = 50)
fit_Waiting = plde(Waiting, initial_dimension = 30, number_lambdas = 50)
x_Eruption = seq(min(Eruption), max(Eruption), length = 100)
x_Waiting = seq(min(Waiting), max(Waiting), length = 100)
fhat_Eruption = compute_fitted(x_Eruption, fit_Eruption$sm[[fit_Eruption$number_lambdas]])
fhat_Waiting = compute_fitted(x_Waiting, fit_Waiting$sm[[fit_Waiting$number_lambdas]])
# display layout
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma=c(0,0,2,0), mar = c(4.5, 2.5, 2, 2))
# Eruption
col_index = rainbow(fit_Eruption$number_lambdas)
plot(x_Eruption, fhat_Eruption, type = "n", xlab = "Eruption", ylab = "", main = "")
# all fit plot
for(i in 1 : fit_Eruption$number_lambdas)
   fhat = compute_fitted(x_Eruption, fit_Eruption$sm[[i]])
   lines(x_Eruption, fhat, lwd = 0.5, col = col_index[i])
k_Eruption = density(Eruption, bw = 0.03)
lines(k_Eruption$x, k_Eruption$y / 2, lty = 2)

# optimal model
hist_col = rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8, alpha = 0.6)
hist(Eruption, nclass = 20, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(1.1, 5.9),
     col = hist_col, ylab = "", main = "", ylim = c(0, 1.2))
fhat_optimal_Eruption = compute_fitted(x_Eruption, fit_Eruption$optimal)
lines(x_Eruption, fhat_optimal_Eruption, col = "black", lwd = 2)
# Waiting
col_index = rainbow(fit_Waiting$number_lambdas)
plot(x_Waiting, fhat_Waiting, type = "n", xlab = "Waiting", ylab = "", main = "")
# all fit plot
for(i in 1 : fit_Waiting$number_lambdas)
   fhat = compute_fitted(x_Waiting, fit_Waiting$sm[[i]])
   lines(x_Waiting, fhat, lwd = 0.5, col = col_index[i])
k_Waiting = density(Waiting, bw = 1)
lines(k_Waiting$x, k_Waiting$y / 2, lty = 2)

# optimal model
hist_col = rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8, alpha = 0.6)
hist(Waiting, nclass = 20, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(40, 100),
     col = hist_col, ylab = "", main = "", ylim = c(0, 0.055))
fhat_optimal_Waiting = compute_fitted(x_Waiting, fit_Waiting$optimal)
lines(x_Waiting, fhat_optimal_Waiting, col = "black", lwd = 2)

[Package plde version 0.1.2 Index]