summary.fitmixture {pldamixture} | R Documentation |
Summarize a "fitmixture" Object
Summarize results from a fit_mixture()
## S3 method for class 'fitmixture'
summary(object, ...)
object |
the result of a call to |
... |
for additional summary arguments |
a list of results from the function called depending on the "family" specified.
call |
the matched call |
family |
the assumed type of (outcome) regression model |
coefficients |
a matrix with the outcome model's coefficient estimates, standard errors, t or z values, and p-values |
m.coefficients |
a matrix with the correct match model's coefficient estimates and standard errors |
avgcmr |
the average correct match rate among all records |
match.prob |
the correct match probabilities for all observations |
dispersion |
the dispersion parameter estimate when the family is a Generalized Linear Model |
## commonness score of first and last names used for linkage
mformula <- ~commf + comml
## hand-linked records are considered "safe" matches
safematches <- ifelse(lifem$hndlnk =="Hand-Linked At Some Level", TRUE, FALSE)
## overall mismatch rate in the data set is assumed to be ~ 0.05
mrate <- 0.05
fit <- fit_mixture(age_at_death ~ poly(unit_yob, 3, raw = TRUE), data = lifem,
family = "gaussian", mformula, safematches, mrate)
[Package pldamixture version 0.1.1 Index]