Tools for Supply Chain Management, Demand and Supply Planning

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Documentation for package ‘planr’ version 0.4.0

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blueprint blueprint
blueprint_drp blueprint_drp
blueprint_light blueprint_light
const_dmd Calculates the Projected Inventories and Coverages as well as the Constrained Demand and informs a Tag about the part of the Demand already covered by the Opening Inventories
demo_const_dmd demo_const_dmd
demo_in_transit demo_in_transit
demo_monthly_dmd demo_monthly_dmd
drp Calculates a Replenishment Plan (also called DRP : Distribution Requirement Planning) and the related Projected Inventories and Coverages
light_proj_inv Calculates projected inventories and coverages
month_to_week Convert a Demand expressed in Monthly buckets into Weekly buckets
proj_git Calculates the projected in transit for a defined DFU
proj_inv Calculates projected inventories and coverages and perform an analysis vs stocks targets
slob slob
ssl Calculates the short shelf life of an opening inventories, also called obsolescence risks