Classed Error and Warning Conditions

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Documentation for package ‘pkgcond’ version 0.1.1

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%!in% Not in infix operator
%<<% Infix string concatenation.
%<<<% Infix string concatenation.
%\% Infix string concatenation.
._ Format and Translate Strings
assert_that Scoped Assertions
collapse Collapse character Vectors
collapse0 Collapse character Vectors
comma_list Construct a comma separated list
condition Raise a mutable and classed condition.
dot-underscore Format and Translate Strings
find_scope Find the default scope of a call.
infix-concatenation Infix string concatenation.
not-in Not in infix operator
pkg_error Raise a mutable and classed condition.
pkg_message Raise a mutable and classed condition.
pkg_warning Raise a mutable and classed condition.
skip_scope Exclude a function from find_scope
suppress Selectively suppress warnings and messages
suppress_conditions Selectively suppress warnings and messages
suppress_messages Selectively suppress warnings and messages
suppress_warnings Selectively suppress warnings and messages