Machine Learning Pipelines for R

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Documentation for package ‘pipeliner’ version 0.1.1

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pipeliner-package pipeliner: machine learning pipelines for R
cbind_fast Faster alternative to 'cbind_fast'
check_data_frame_throw_error Validate ml_pipeline_builder transform method returns data.frame
check_predict_method_throw_error Validate estimate_model method returns an object with a 'predict' method defined
check_unary_func_throw_error Validate ml_pipeline_builder transform method is a unary function
estimate_model Estimate machine learning model
func_error_handler Custom error handler for printing the name of an enclosing function with error
inv_transform_response Inverse transform machine learning response variable
ml_pipline_builder Build machine learning pipelines - object oriented API
pipeline Build machine learning pipelines - functional API
pipeliner pipeliner: machine learning pipelines for R
predict.ml_pipeline Predict method for ML pipelines
predict_model Generate machine learning model prediction
process_transform_throw_error Validate and clean transform function output
transform_features Transform machine learning feature variables
transform_response Transform machine learning response variable
try_pipeline_func_call Custom tryCatch configuration for pipeline segment segment functions