cima {pimeta} | R Documentation |
Calculating Confidence Intervals
This function calculates confidence intervals.
cima(y, se, v = NULL, alpha = 0.05, method = c("boot", "DL", "HK",
"SJ", "KR", "APX", "PL", "BC"), B = 25000, parallel = FALSE,
seed = NULL, maxit1 = 1e+05, eps = 10^(-10), lower = 0,
upper = 1000, maxit2 = 1000, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
rnd = NULL, maxiter = 100)
y |
the effect size estimates vector |
se |
the within studies standard errors vector |
v |
the within studies variance estimates vector |
alpha |
the alpha level of the prediction interval |
method |
the calculation method for the pretiction interval (default = "boot").
B |
the number of bootstrap samples |
parallel |
the number of threads used in parallel computing, or FALSE that means single threading |
seed |
set the value of random seed |
maxit1 |
the maximum number of iteration for the exact distribution function of |
eps |
the desired level of accuracy for the exact distribution function of |
lower |
the lower limit of random numbers of |
upper |
the lower upper of random numbers of |
maxit2 |
the maximum number of iteration for numerical inversions |
tol |
the desired level of accuracy for numerical inversions |
rnd |
a vector of random numbers from the exact distribution of |
maxiter |
the maximum number of iteration for REML estimation |
Excellent reviews of heterogeneity variance estimation have been published (e.g., Veroniki, et al., 2018).
: the number of studies. -
: the average treatment effect estimate\hat{\mu}
. -
: the lower and upper confidence limits\hat{\mu}_l
. -
: the estimate for\tau^2
. -
: the estimate forI^2
. -
: degrees of freedom for the confidence interval. -
: the variance estimate for\hat{\mu}
Veroniki, A. A., Jackson, D., Bender, R., Kuss, O., Langan, D., Higgins, J. P. T., Knapp, G., and Salanti, J. (2016). Methods to calculate uncertainty in the estimated overall effect size from a random-effects meta-analysis Res Syn Meth. In press.
Nagashima, K., Noma, H., and Furukawa, T. A. (2018). Prediction intervals for random-effects meta-analysis: a confidence distribution approach. Stat Methods Med Res. In press.
Higgins, J. P. T, Thompson, S. G., Spiegelhalter, D. J. (2009). A re-evaluation of random-effects meta-analysis. J R Stat Soc Ser A Stat Soc. 172(1): 137-159.
Partlett, C, and Riley, R. D. (2017). Random effects meta-analysis: Coverage performance of 95 confidence and prediction intervals following REML estimation. Stat Med. 36(2): 301-317.
Hartung, J., and Knapp, G. (2001). On tests of the overall treatment effect in meta-analysis with normally distributed responses. Stat Med. 20(12): 1771-1782.
Sidik, K., and Jonkman, J. N. (2006). Robust variance estimation for random effects meta-analysis. Comput Stat Data Anal. 50(12): 3681-3701.
Noma H. (2011) Confidence intervals for a random-effects meta-analysis based on Bartlett-type corrections. Stat Med. 30(28): 3304-3312.
See Also
data(sbp, package = "pimeta")
# Nagashima-Noma-Furukawa confidence interval
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, seed = 3141592)
# A Wald-type t-distribution confidence interval
# An approximate variance estimator & DerSimonian-Laird estimator for tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "DL")
# A Wald-type t-distribution confidence interval
# The Hartung variance estimator & REML estimator for tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "HK")
# A Wald-type t-distribution confidence interval
# The Sidik-Jonkman variance estimator & REML estimator for tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "SJ")
# A Wald-type t-distribution confidence interval
# The Kenward-Roger approach & REML estimator for tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "KR")
# A Wald-type t-distribution confidence interval
# An approximate variance estimator & REML estimator for tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "APX")
# Profile likelihood confidence interval
# Maximum likelihood estimators of variance for the average effect & tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "PL")
# Profile likelihood confidence interval with a Bartlett-type correction
# Maximum likelihood estimators of variance for the average effect & tau^2
pimeta::cima(sbp$y, sbp$sigmak, method = "BC")