Fit Probabilistic Index Models

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Documentation for package ‘pim’ version 2.0.2

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A C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V misc

pim-package Probabilistic Index Models

-- A --

add.poset Add a poset to a pim.environment object
add.poset-method Add a poset to a pim.environment object Convert a pim.environment to a data frame Convert a pim.environment to a data frame
as.matrix Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix
as.matrix-method Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix
as.matrix.pim.summary Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix

-- C --

classes Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
classes-method Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
coef Extract the coefficients from a pim or pim.summary object
coef-method Extract the coefficients from a pim or pim.summary object
compare Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
compare-method Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
confint Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM
confint-method Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM
confint.pim Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM
confint.pim.summary Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM
create.poset Create a poset
CreateScoreFun Create a score function for use in a pim.

-- D --

DysData This is the Dysphagia data

-- E --

EngelData This is the engel data
estimator.BB Estimator functions for probabilistic index models
estimator.glm Estimator functions for probabilistic index models
estimator.nleqslv Estimator functions for probabilistic index models
estimators Estimator functions for probabilistic index models
Extract.pim.summary Extract method for pim.summary objects

-- F --

FEVData This is the Childhood respiratory disease data
fitted Getters for slots of a pim object
fitted-method Getters for slots of a pim object
formula Extract the formula from a pim or pim.formula object
formula-method Extract the formula from a pim or pim.formula object

-- G --

getters-pim Getters for slots of a pim object

-- H --

has.intercept Check whether formula has an explicit intercept
has.intercept-method Check whether formula has an explicit intercept
has.specials Extract information from a pim.formula object
has.specials-method Extract information from a pim.formula object

-- I --

is.complete Check whether a pim environment is complete

-- K -- Getters for slots of a pim object

-- L --

L Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims
lhs Extract information from a pim.formula object
lhs, Extract information from a pim.formula object
lhs-method Extract information from a pim.formula object
link Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
link-method Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects

-- M --

MHData This is the Mental health data
model Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
model-method Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
model.matrix Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model
model.matrix-method Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model
model.matrix.pim Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model
model.matrix.pim.formula Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model

-- N --

names Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
names-method Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects
new.pim Create an object of class pim
new.pim.env Constructor for a pim.environment
new.pim.env-method Constructor for a pim.environment
new.pim.formula Constructor for pim.formula
new.pim.formula-method Constructor for pim.formula
new.pim.poset Create a pim.poset environment
new.pim.poset-method Create a pim.poset environment
nobs-method Extract the number of observations

-- P --

P Probability function
penv Extract a pim environment from a model or formula
penv-method Extract a pim environment from a model or formula
pim Fitting a Probabilistic Index Model
pim-class Class pim
pim-getters Getters for slots of a pim object
pim.environment The pim.environment class
pim.environment-class The pim.environment class Fitter function for a probabilistic index model
pim.formula Class pim.formula
pim.formula-class Class pim.formula
pim.poset The pim.poset class
pim.poset-class The pim.poset class
pim.summary Class pim.summary
pim.summary-class Class pim.summary
pimdata The data contained in the pim package
PO Probability function
poset Extract the poset as a matrix or list
poset-method Extract the poset as a matrix or list
PP Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims
print Print methods for the different object types
print-method Print methods for the different object types

-- R --

R Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims
response Extract response from a pim.formula or a pim object
response-method Extract response from a pim.formula or a pim object

-- S --

sandwich.estimator Pseudo-observation variance sandwich estimator
sandwich.vcov vcov estimators for pim
score.estimator Pseudo-observation variance sandwich estimator
score.vcov vcov estimators for pim
SUData This is the Surgical unit data
summary The summary function for the pim class
summary-method The summary function for the pim class
summary.pim The summary function for the pim class

-- T --

terms Extract information from a pim.formula object
terms, Extract information from a pim.formula object
terms-method Extract information from a pim.formula object

-- U --

U.sandwich Internal functions for vcov estimation
U.score Internal functions for vcov estimation

-- V --

vcov Methods for vcov
vcov-method Methods for vcov
vcov.estimators vcov estimators for pim
vcov.internal Internal functions for vcov estimation

-- misc --

.make.posfun Create a poset function
[-method Extract method for pim.summary objects