A C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V misc
pim-package | Probabilistic Index Models |
add.poset | Add a poset to a pim.environment object |
add.poset-method | Add a poset to a pim.environment object |
as.data.frame | Convert a pim.environment to a data frame |
as.data.frame-method | Convert a pim.environment to a data frame |
as.matrix | Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix |
as.matrix-method | Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix |
as.matrix.pim.summary | Convert a pim.summary object to a matrix |
classes | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
classes-method | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
coef | Extract the coefficients from a pim or pim.summary object |
coef-method | Extract the coefficients from a pim or pim.summary object |
compare | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
compare-method | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
confint | Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM |
confint-method | Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM |
confint.pim | Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM |
confint.pim.summary | Calculate Wald confidence intervals around the coefficients of a PIM |
create.poset | Create a poset |
CreateScoreFun | Create a score function for use in a pim. |
DysData | This is the Dysphagia data |
EngelData | This is the engel data |
estimator.BB | Estimator functions for probabilistic index models |
estimator.glm | Estimator functions for probabilistic index models |
estimator.nleqslv | Estimator functions for probabilistic index models |
estimators | Estimator functions for probabilistic index models |
Extract.pim.summary | Extract method for pim.summary objects |
FEVData | This is the Childhood respiratory disease data |
fitted | Getters for slots of a pim object |
fitted-method | Getters for slots of a pim object |
formula | Extract the formula from a pim or pim.formula object |
formula-method | Extract the formula from a pim or pim.formula object |
getters-pim | Getters for slots of a pim object |
has.intercept | Check whether formula has an explicit intercept |
has.intercept-method | Check whether formula has an explicit intercept |
has.specials | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
has.specials-method | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
is.complete | Check whether a pim environment is complete |
keep.data | Getters for slots of a pim object |
L | Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims |
lhs | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
lhs, | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
lhs-method | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
link | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
link-method | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
MHData | This is the Mental health data |
model | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
model-method | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
model.matrix | Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model |
model.matrix-method | Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model |
model.matrix.pim | Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model |
model.matrix.pim.formula | Create a model matrix for a probabilistic index model |
names | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
names-method | Extract information from pim.environment and pim.poset objects |
new.pim | Create an object of class pim |
new.pim.env | Constructor for a pim.environment |
new.pim.env-method | Constructor for a pim.environment |
new.pim.formula | Constructor for pim.formula |
new.pim.formula-method | Constructor for pim.formula |
new.pim.poset | Create a pim.poset environment |
new.pim.poset-method | Create a pim.poset environment |
nobs-method | Extract the number of observations |
P | Probability function |
penv | Extract a pim environment from a model or formula |
penv-method | Extract a pim environment from a model or formula |
pim | Fitting a Probabilistic Index Model |
pim-class | Class pim |
pim-getters | Getters for slots of a pim object |
pim.environment | The pim.environment class |
pim.environment-class | The pim.environment class |
pim.fit | Fitter function for a probabilistic index model |
pim.formula | Class pim.formula |
pim.formula-class | Class pim.formula |
pim.poset | The pim.poset class |
pim.poset-class | The pim.poset class |
pim.summary | Class pim.summary |
pim.summary-class | Class pim.summary |
pimdata | The data contained in the pim package |
PO | Probability function |
poset | Extract the poset as a matrix or list |
poset-method | Extract the poset as a matrix or list |
PP | Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims |
Print methods for the different object types | |
print-method | Print methods for the different object types |
R | Specify the left hand and right hand side of an expression used in pims |
response | Extract response from a pim.formula or a pim object |
response-method | Extract response from a pim.formula or a pim object |
sandwich.estimator | Pseudo-observation variance sandwich estimator |
sandwich.vcov | vcov estimators for pim |
score.estimator | Pseudo-observation variance sandwich estimator |
score.vcov | vcov estimators for pim |
SUData | This is the Surgical unit data |
summary | The summary function for the pim class |
summary-method | The summary function for the pim class |
summary.pim | The summary function for the pim class |
terms | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
terms, | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
terms-method | Extract information from a pim.formula object |
U.sandwich | Internal functions for vcov estimation |
U.score | Internal functions for vcov estimation |
vcov | Methods for vcov |
vcov-method | Methods for vcov |
vcov.estimators | vcov estimators for pim |
vcov.internal | Internal functions for vcov estimation |
.make.posfun | Create a poset function |
[-method | Extract method for pim.summary objects |