Board Game Graphics

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Documentation for package ‘piecepackr’ version 1.13.10

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piecepackr-package piecepackr: Board Game Graphics
aabb_piece Calculate axis-aligned bounding box for set of game pieces
AA_to_R Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
aes_piece Draw board game pieces with ggplot2
animate_piece Animate board game pieces
as_pp_cfg Configuration list R6 object
basicPieceGrob Piece Grob Functions
basicPieceGrobs Piece Grob Functions
breaks_counting ggplot2 game diagram scales
checkersGrob Defunct functions
cleave Miscellaneous 'piecepackr' utility functions
concaveGrobFn Defunct functions
convexGrobFn Defunct functions
cropmarkGrob Crop Mark Grob
file2grob Miscellaneous 'piecepackr' utility functions
font_utils Font utility functions
game_systems Standard game systems
geometry_utils Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
geom_piece Draw board game pieces with ggplot2
get_embedded_font Font utility functions
get_shape_grob_fn Defunct functions
grid.cropmark Crop Mark Grob
grid.piece Draw board game pieces with grid
gridlinesGrob Defunct functions
halmaGrob Defunct functions
has_font Font utility functions
hexlinesGrob Defunct functions
inch Miscellaneous 'piecepackr' utility functions
is_color_invisible Miscellaneous 'piecepackr' utility functions
is_pp_cfg Configuration list R6 object
kiteGrob Defunct functions
label_counting ggplot2 game diagram scales
label_letter ggplot2 game diagram scales
matGrob Defunct functions
op_transform Oblique projection helper function
picturePieceGrobFn Piece Grob Functions
piece Create rayrender board game piece objects
piece3d Render board game pieces with rgl
pieceGrob Draw board game pieces with grid
piecepackr piecepackr: Board Game Graphics
piecepackr-defunct Defunct functions
piece_mesh Create rayvertex board game piece objects
pmap_piece Create graphics using data frame input
pp_cfg Configuration list R6 object
pp_shape Shape object for generating various grobs
pp_utils Miscellaneous 'piecepackr' utility functions
previewLayoutGrob Piece Grob Functions
pyramidGrob Defunct functions
pyramidTopGrob Piece Grob Functions
render_piece Render image of game pieces
R_to_AA Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
R_x Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
R_y Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
R_z Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
save_ellipsoid_obj Alternative Wavefront OBJ file generators
save_peg_doll_obj Alternative Wavefront OBJ file generators
save_piece_images Save piecepack images
save_piece_obj Save Wavefront OBJ files of board game pieces
save_print_and_play Save piecepack print-and-play (PnP) file
scale_x_piece ggplot2 game diagram scales
scale_y_piece ggplot2 game diagram scales
spdx_license_list SPDX License List data
to_degrees Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
to_hexpack Standard game systems
to_r Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
to_radians Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
to_subpack Standard game systems
to_t Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
to_x Helper functions for making geometric calculations.
to_y Helper functions for making geometric calculations.