Pathwise Calibrated Sparse Shooting Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘picasso’ version 1.3.1

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picasso-package PICASSO: PathwIse CAlibrated Sparse Shooting algOrithm
coef.gaussian Extract Model Coefficients for an object with S3 class '"gaussian"'
coef.logit Extract Model Coefficients for an object with S3 class '"logit"'
coef.poisson Extract Model Coefficients for an object with S3 class '"poisson"'
coef.sqrtlasso Extract Model Coefficients for an object with S3 class '"sqrtlasso"'
eyedata The Bardet-Biedl syndrome Gene expression data from Scheetz et al. (2006)
picasso PathwIse CAlibrated Sparse Shooting algOrithm (PICASSO)
plot.gaussian Plot Function for "gaussian"
plot.logit Plot Function for "logit"
plot.poisson Plot Function for "poisson"
plot.sqrtlasso Plot Function for "sqrtlasso"
predict.gaussian Prediction for an object with S3 class '"gaussian"'
predict.logit Prediction for an object with S3 class '"logit"'
predict.poisson Prediction for an object with S3 class '"poisson"'
predict.sqrtlasso Prediction for an object with S3 class '"sqrtlasso"'
print.gaussian Print Function for an object with S3 class '"gaussian"'
print.logit Print Function for an object with S3 class '"logit"'
print.poisson Print Function for an object with S3 class 'poisson'
print.sqrtlasso Print Function for an object with S3 class '"sqrtlasso"'