Integrating Phylogenies and Ecology

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Documentation for package ‘picante’ version 1.8.2

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picante-package picante: Integrating Phylogenies and Ecology
color.plot.phylo Color tip labels based on trait
comdist Calculates inter-community mean pairwise distance
comdistnn Calculates inter-community mean nearest taxon distance
comdistnt Calculates inter-community mean nearest taxon distance
comm.phylo.cor Correlations between species co-occurrence and phylogenetic distances
comm.phylo.qr Quantile regression slopes between species co-occurrence and phylogenetic distances
cor.table Table of correlations and P-values
df2vec Picante utility functions
ead Expected PD, PD Variance, and Edge Abundance Distribution of a phylogeny
evol.distinct Species' evolutionary distinctiveness
expected.pd Expected PD, PD Variance, and Edge Abundance Distribution of a phylogeny
internal2tips Picante utility functions
IvesGodfray Host-parasitoid food web data
Kcalc K statistic of phylogenetic signal
match.comm.dist Match taxa in phylogeny and data
match.phylo.comm Match taxa in phylogeny and data Match taxa in phylogeny and data
matrix2sample Convert community data matrix to Phylocom sample
mnnd Mean nearest taxon distance
mntd Mean nearest taxon distance
mpd Mean pairwise distance
multiPhylosignal Calculates phylogenetic signal for data.frame of traits
node.age Picante utility functions
pblm Phylogenetic Bipartite Linear Model
pblmpredict Phylogenetic Bipartite Linear Model
PCD Phylogenetic Community Dissimilarity
pcd Phylogenetic Community Dissimilarity
pd Calculate Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity
phyEstimate Phylogenetic estimation of traits for unobserved taxa
phyEstimateDisc Phylogenetic estimation of traits for unobserved taxa
phylocom Phylocom default data
phylosignal Measure phylogenetic signal
phylosor Phylogenetic index of beta-diversity PhyloSor
phylosor.rnd Null PhyloSor values of phylogenetic beta-diversity
phylostruct Permutations to Test for Phylogenetic Signal in Community Composition
pic.variance Picante utility functions
picante picante: Integrating Phylogenies and Ecology
prune.missing Prune tree to match community data or trait data
prune.sample Prune tree to match community data or trait data
psc Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psd Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
pse Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psr Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psv Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psv.spp Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
randomizeMatrix Null models for community data matrix randomization
raoD Rao's quadratic entropy
readsample Read Phylocom sample
sample2matrix Convert Phylocom sample to community data matrix
ses.mnnd Standardized effect size of MNTD
ses.mntd Standardized effect size of MNTD
ses.mpd Standardized effect size of MPD
ses.pd Standardized effect size of PD
sortColumns Picante utility functions
sortRows Picante utility functions
specaccum.psr Phylogenetic Species Richness Sample-Based Rarefaction Curve
species.dist Species co-occurrence distances
sppregs Regressions to Separate Phylogenetic Attraction and Repulsion
sppregs.plot Regressions to Separate Phylogenetic Attraction and Repulsion
tax.distinctiveness Taxonomic distinctiveness sensu Vane-Wright or May
taxaShuffle Picante utility functions
tipShuffle Picante utility functions
traitgram Draw phylogeny with nodes at trait positions
unifrac Unweighted UniFrac distance between communities
variance.pd Expected PD, PD Variance, and Edge Abundance Distribution of a phylogeny
writesample Write a Phylocom community sample file
writetraits Write a Phylocom traits formatted file