carnivora | 125 genes trees for 53 carnivora species |
detect.outliers | Detection of outliers in 1D and 2D data |
detect.outliers.array | Detection of outliers in 1D and 2D data |
Dist2WR | Compute gene x species matrix from the result of Distatis |
DistatisFast | Fast implementation the multivariate analysis method Distatis |
impMean | Imputation of missing values in a collection of matrices |
medcouple | A robust measure of skewness for univariate data |
normalize | Median normalization of 2D matrix by row or by colomn |
phylter | Filter phylogenomics datasets |
plot.phylter | Plot phylter objects |
plot2WR | Plot phylter objects |
plotDispersion | Plot phylter objects |
plotopti | Plot phylter objects |
plotRV | Plot phylter objects |
PreparePhylterData | Prepare data for phylter analysis |
print.phylter | Print phylter objects |
print.phylterfinal | print objects of class phylterfinal |
print.phylterinitial | print objects of class phylterinitial |
print.summary.phylter | print summary of phylter objects |
rename.genes | Name or rename a list of gene trees or matrices |
simtrees | Simplistic simulation of gene trees with outliers |
summary.phylter | Get summary for phylter objects |
trees2matrices | Convert phylogenetic trees to distance matrices |
write.phylter | Write summary of phyter analysis to file(s) |