Evolutionary Diversity Metrics for Raster Data

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Documentation for package ‘phyloraster’ version 2.1.0

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arg.check Check for missing arguments in function call
dataR Presence-absence of 33 Australian tree frogs (Rosauer 2017)
delta.grid Delta of Diversity Metrics
df2rast Transform a data.frame to raster
geo.phylo Calculate phylogenetic community metrics for raster data
geo.phylo.ses Calculate phylogenetic community metrics and their standardized effect sizes for raster data
inv.range Calculate the inverse of range size
load.data.rosauer Load an example dataset with presence-absence data of 33 tree frogs and a phylogenetic tree for this species
phylo.pres Prepare rasters and phylogenetic tree to run community metrics
range_size Calculate range size for a set of species using a raster as input
rast.ed Calculate Evolutionary distinctiveness for raster data
rast.ed.ses Evolutionary distinctiveness standardized for specie richness
rast.pd Calculate phylogenetic diversity for raster data
rast.pd.ses Phylogenetic diversity standardized for species richness
rast.pe Calculate phylogenetic endemism for raster data
rast.pe.ses Phylogenetic endemism standardized for specie richness
rast.sr Calculate species richness for raster data
rast.we Calculate weighted endemism for raster data
rast.we.ses Calculate weighted endemism standardized for species richness
shp2rast Rasterize shapefile
species.ed Calculate Evolutionary distinctiveness for each species
species.tip.length Compute species tip length
tip.root.path Compute tree edge lengths and node paths from root to each tip