average |
Extract and average the best supported models from a phylogenetic path analysis. |
average_DAGs |
Perform model averaging on a list of DAGs. |
best |
Extract and estimate the best supported model from a phylogenetic path analysis. |
choice |
Extract and estimate an arbitrary model from a phylogenetic path analysis. |
cichlids |
Cichlid traits and the evolution of cooperative breeding. |
cichlids_tree |
Cichlid phylogeny. |
coef_plot |
Plot path coefficients and their confidence intervals or standard errors. |
Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) |
define_model_set |
Define a model set. |
est_DAG |
Add standardized path coefficients to a DAG. |
phylo_path |
Compare causal models in a phylogenetic context. |
plot.DAG |
Plot a directed acyclic graph. |
plot.fitted_DAG |
Plot a directed acyclic graph with path coefficients. |
plot_model_set |
Plot several causal hypothesis at once. |
red_list |
Data on brain size, life history and vulnerability to extinction |
red_list_tree |
Mammalian phylogeny |
rhino |
Rhinogrades traits. |
rhino_tree |
Rhinogrades phylogeny. |
show_warnings |
Print out warnings from a phylopath analysis. |