Standard Methods for Use in Public Health Scotland

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Documentation for package ‘phsmethods’ version 1.0.2

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age_calculate Calculate age between two dates
age_from_chi Extract age from the CHI number
area_lookup Codes and names of Scottish geographical and administrative areas.
chi_check Check the validity of a CHI number
chi_pad Add a leading zero to nine-digit CHI numbers
create_age_groups Create age groups
dob_from_chi Extract Date of Birth (DoB) from the CHI number
extract_fin_year Extract the formatted financial year from a date
file_size Calculate file size
format_postcode Format a postcode
make_inheritance_checks Check that a set of arguments inherits from a set of classes Throws an exception if one argument does not pass the checks. Argument must have AT LEAST ONE of the specified classes to pass.
match_area Translate geography codes into area names
phsmethods 'phsmethods' package
qtr Assign a date to a quarter
qtr_end Assign a date to a quarter
qtr_next Assign a date to a quarter
qtr_prev Assign a date to a quarter
sex_from_chi Extract sex from the CHI number