powertrack {phonTools} | R Documentation |
Power tracking
Create a power track for a sound.
powertrack (sound, timestep = 5, windowlength = 30,
fs = 22050, show = TRUE, zeromax = TRUE, ...)
sound |
A numeric vector representing a waveform, or a 'sound' object created with the loadsound() or makesound() functions. |
timestep |
Determines how far the window will be moved for each adjacent analysis, in milliseconds. |
windowlength |
Determines how much of the signal is included for each analysis step, in milliseconds. If this is too small, pitch-synchronous ripples will be seen in the track. |
fs |
The sampling frequency of the sound. If a 'sound' or 'ts' object is passed, this does not need to be specified. |
show |
If TRUE, the track is plotted. |
zeromax |
If TRUE, the maximum dB value is set to zero. |
... |
Additional parameters are passed to the internal call of plot(), and used to create the figure. |
Returns the average power in the signal in a section as determined by the parameters of the function. A Hann window is applied to each section prior to analysis. Sections with zero power are ignored and not returned.
A dataframe with the following columns:
time |
The time, in milliseconds, of each point of analysis. |
power |
The power, in decibels, at each analysis point. |
Santiago Barreda <sbarreda@ucdavis.edu>
## plot the waveform and power of a given sound.
#data (sound)
# sound = loadsound() ## run this line to use you own sound
## compare waveform and power
#par (mfrow = c(2,1), mar = c(4,4,1,1));
#plot (sound)
#powertrack (sound)