Plot vowel formant frequencies {phonR}R Documentation

Plot vowel formant data and a variety of derivative measures.


Generates high-quality plots of provided formant values using either the default onscreen device (X11, Quartz, or Win32) or direct-to-file using built-in R file output methods (PDF, SVG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, or BMP).


    plotVowels(f1, f2, vowel=NULL, group=NULL,
               plot.tokens=TRUE, pch.tokens=NULL,
               cex.tokens=NULL, alpha.tokens=NULL,
               plot.means=FALSE, pch.means=NULL,
               cex.means=NULL, alpha.means=NULL,
               hull.line=FALSE, hull.fill=FALSE,
               hull.args=NULL, poly.line=FALSE,
               poly.fill=FALSE, poly.args=NULL,
               poly.order=NA, ellipse.line=FALSE,
               ellipse.fill=FALSE, ellipse.conf=0.6827,
               ellipse.args=NULL, diph.arrows=FALSE,
               diph.args.tokens=NULL, diph.args.means=NULL,
               diph.mean.timept=1, diph.smooth=FALSE,
               heatmap=FALSE, heatmap.args=NULL,
               heatmap.legend=FALSE, heatmap.legend.args=NULL,
               fill.opacity=0.3, label.las=NULL,
               legend.kwd=NULL, legend.args=NULL,
               pretty=FALSE, output='screen', ...)


f1, f2

Vector or matrix of formant frequency values. To plot multiple timepoints for each vowel, f1 and f2 should be matrices with vowel tokens varying along the rows and timepoints varying across the columns.


Vector of vowel symbols/labels.


Vector or factor that determines the groups used in calculating vowel means, e.g., a factor indicating “gender”, “speaker”, “sociolinguistic register”, etc.


Logical; should individual vowel tokens be plotted?


Vector of strings or integers; the symbol(s) to use when plotting vowel tokens. Integers are interpreted as standard R pch values (see points).


Numeric; size of individual vowel points relative to par("cex").


Numeric in range [0,1], indicating opacity of plotted vowel tokens.


Logical; should individual vowel tokens be plotted?


Vector of strings or integers; the symbol(s) to use when plotting vowel means. Integers are interpreted as standard R pch values (see points).


Size of vowel means relative to par("cex").


Numeric in range [0,1], indicating opacity of plotted vowel means.


Logical; should a line be drawn tracing the convex hull encompassing all tokens (separately for each level of group)?


Logical; should the convex hull(s) have a color fill?

hull.args, poly.args, ellipse.args

Named list of arguments to be passed to polygon. Useful for controlling line width, etc. See “Details” for notes about color handling.


Logical; should a line be drawn tracing the polygon connecting the mean values for each vowel (separately for each level of group)?


Logical; should the polygon(s) connecting mean values for each vowel have a color fill?


Vector or factor indicating the order in which the polygon vertices should be connected. Should match the levels of factor(vowel). If there are values of vowel not included in poly.order, they will not be connected to the polygon line.


Logical; should vowel density ellipses be drawn with an outer line?


Logical; should vowel density ellipses be filled?


Numeric in range (0,1]; the size of the ellipse expressed as a confidence level of the estimate of the true mean (i.e., 0.95 gives a 95% confidence ellipse). The default value (0.6827) corresponds to plus-or-minus one sample standard deviation along the major and minor axes of the bivariate normal density contour.


Logical; should the last timepoint of each vowel be marked with an arrowhead?

diph.args.tokens, diph.args.means

List of named arguments to be passed to points and/or arrows when plotting tokens or means (ignored if f1 and f2 are 1-dimensional). Default is to plot bare lines (type="l") when pch.tokens is NULL, to draw points and lines overplotted (type="o") when diph.arrows=FALSE, and to plot bare lines with the first timepoint of each diphthong plotted when diph.arrows=TRUE. When pretty=TRUE and diph.arrows=TRUE, additional default settings are length=0.1 and angle=20. For diph.args.means, lwd defaults to 2 * par("lwd") when pretty=TRUE. All of these defaults are overridden by values passed to diph.args.tokens or diph.args.means in the function call.


Logical; if plotting diphthongs, should a symbol or label be drawn only at the first timepoint? Note that if plotting means, the label or symbol may not correspond to the first timepoint; it depends on the value of diph.mean.timept.


A strictly positive integer indicating which timepoint of the diphthongs should be used to calculate means, ellipses, and polygons. For example, if the f1 and f2 arguments are N-by-5 matrices where the 3rd column of each represents the formant measurement at the vowel midpoint (with the other columns providing 2 onglide and 2 offglide measurements), you can plot the means, ellipses, and polygons based on the midpoint measures by specifying diph.mean.timept=3.


Logical; should a smoothing spline be drawn instead of segments connecting individual timepoints? This feature is under development, unstable, unsupported, and to the extent that it is implemented, it is only implemented for tokens, not means.


Logical; should a repulsive force heatmap be drawn?


Named list of additional arguments passed to repulsiveForceHeatmap. The arguments x, y, and type are passed automatically by plotVowels; heatmap.args is probably most useful for controlling resolution, colormap, and the xform function.


Logical; should a legend be drawn showing the color scale used in the repulsive force heatmap?


Named list of additional arguments passed to repulsiveForceHeatmapLegend. Parameters likely to be user-specified here are x and y for specifying the endpoints of the colorbar, labels for label text at the two ends of the colorbar, and smoothness for the number of color steps to display (limited by the number of levels in the color scale used). See repulsiveForceHeatmapLegend for a more complete description of the available arguments.

Vector or factor indicating the dimension along which to vary color.

Vector or factor indicating the dimension along which to vary linetype and plotting symbol.


Number in the range [0, 1] indicating the opacity of color fills for ellipses, hulls, and polygons (if drawn). Does not affect force.heatmap colors, which are specified via force.colmap.


Keyword indicating legend placement (see legend). If NULL (the default), no legend will be printed.


Controls the orientation of axis labels relative to the axis line (independently from the axis tick numbers). Possible values are integers 0-4 (see par), or NULL (to use the default value of par("las"), or a value passed to plotVowels as las if available).


Named list of additional arguments to be passed to legend, for controlling things like inset, ncol, seg.len, etc.


Logical; a switch that sets various graphical parameters: mar, las, mgp, xpd, fg, and tcl, as well as arrow parameters like length and angle and plotVowels-specific parameters such as color.palette. It is permissible to set pretty=TRUE and also pass any of these parameters to plotVowels to override the pretty defaults.


Graphical device to plot to. Supported values are “screen”, “pdf”, “svg”, “jpg”, “tif”, “png”, “bmp”.


Other graphical parameters passed to methods; e.g., width, height, units, asp, res, xlim, xlab, main, etc. Two arguments of plot: ann and type, are always silently overridden by plotVowels.


Notes on color handling. If no col or border arguments are passed to hull.args, poly.args, or ellipse.args, then color is handled as follows: if pretty=FALSE, colors default to the values in palette(), with opacity for fills set by fill.opacity. If pretty=TRUE, equally-spaced hues of HCL colors are used instead of palette(). If the values passed to and vowel are identical, hull and polygon lines are drawn in black, and fills are drawn black with appropriate fill.opacity.


McCloy, Daniel

See Also



with(indo, plotVowels(f1, f2, vowel, group=gender, plot.means=TRUE,
                      pch.means=vowel, ellipse.line=TRUE, poly.line=TRUE,
            , pretty=TRUE, alpha.tokens=0.3,
# simulate some diphthongs
f1delta <- sample(c(-10:-5, 5:15), nrow(indo), replace=TRUE)
f2delta <- sample(c(-15:-10, 20:30), nrow(indo), replace=TRUE)
f1coefs <- matrix(sample(c(2:5), nrow(indo) * 2, replace=TRUE), 
f2coefs <- matrix(sample(c(3:6), nrow(indo) * 2, replace=TRUE),
indo <- within(indo, {
    f1a <- f1  + f1delta * f1coefs[,1]
    f2a <- f2  + f2delta * f2coefs[,1]
    f1b <- f1a + f1delta * f1coefs[,2]
    f2b <- f2a + f2delta * f2coefs[,2]
with(indo, plotVowels(cbind(f1, f1a, f1b), cbind(f2, f2a, f2b), vowel,
                      group=gender, plot.tokens=TRUE, pch.tokens=NA,
                      alpha.tokens=0.3, plot.means=TRUE, pch.means=vowel,
            ,, pretty=TRUE,
                      diph.arrows=TRUE, diph.args.tokens=list(lwd=0.8),

[Package phonR version 1.0-7 Index]