sepsis {phoenix} | R Documentation |
A fully synthetic data set with variables need for examples and documentation of the Phoenix Sepsis Criteria.
a data.frame with 20 rows and 27 columns
[, 1] | pid | patient identification number |
[, 2] | age | age in months |
[, 3] | fio2 | fraction of inspired oxygen |
[, 4] | pao2 | partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (mmHg) |
[, 5] | spo2 | pulse oximetry |
[, 6] | vent | indicator for invasive mechanical ventilation |
[, 7] | gcs_total | total Glasgow Coma Scale |
[, 8] | pupil | character vector reporting if pupils are reactive or fixed. |
[, 9] | platelets | platelets measured in 1,000 / microliter |
[, 10] | inr | international normalized ratio |
[, 11] | d_dimer | D-dimer; units of mg/L FEU |
[, 12] | fibrinogen | units of mg/dL |
[, 13] | dbp | diagnostic blood pressure (mmHg) |
[, 14] | sbp | systolic blood pressure (mmHg) |
[, 15] | lactate | units of mmol/L |
[, 16] | dobutamine | indicator for receiving systemic dobutamine |
[, 17] | dopamine | indicator for receiving systemic dopamine |
[, 18] | epinephrine | indicator for receiving systemic epinephrine |
[, 19] | milrinone | indicator for receiving systemic milrinone |
[, 20] | norepinephrine | indicator for receiving systemic norepinephrine |
[, 21] | vasopressin | indicator for receiving systemic vasopressin |
[, 22] | glucose | units of mg/dL |
[, 23] | anc | units of 1,000 cells per cubic millimeter |
[, 24] | alc | units of 1,000 cells per cubic millimeter |
[, 25] | creatinine | units of mg/dL |
[, 26] | bilirubin | units of mg/dL |
[, 27] | alt | units of IU/L |
[Package phoenix version 1.1.1 Index]