phoenix_neurologic {phoenix}R Documentation

Phoenix Sepsis Neurological Score


Assessment of neurologic dysfunction based on Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and pupil reactivity. This score is part of the diagnostic Phoenix Sepsis criteria and Phoenix 8 Sepsis criteria.


  gcs = NA_integer_,
  fixed_pupils = NA_real_,
  data = parent.frame(),



integer vector; total Glasgow Comma Score


integer vector; 1 = bilaterally fixed pupil, 0 = otherwise


a list, data.frame, or environment containing the input vectors


pass through


Missing values will map to a value of 0 as was done when developing the Phoenix criteria. Note that this is done on a input by input basis. That is, if pupil reactivity is missing but GCS (total) is 9, then the neurologic dysfunction score is 1.

GCS total is the sum of a score based on eyes, motor control, and verbal responsiveness.

Eye response:

  1. no eye opening,

  2. eye opening to pain,

  3. eye opening to sound,

  4. eyes open spontaneously.

Verbal response:

  1. no verbal response,

  2. incomprehensible sounds,

  3. inappropriate words,

  4. confused,

  5. orientated

Motor response:

  1. no motor response,

  2. abnormal extension to pain,

  3. abnormal flexion to pain,

  4. withdrawal from pain,

  5. localized pain,

  6. obeys commands


an integer vector with values 0, 1, or 2. As with all Phoenix organ dysfunction scores, missing input values map to scores of zero.

Phoenix Neurological Scoring

Bilaterally fixed pupil 2 points
Glasgow Coma Score (total) less or equal 10 1 point
Reactive pupils and GCS > 10 0 point


See reference details in phoenix-package or by calling citation('phoenix').

See Also

vignette('phoenix') for more details and examples.


# using the example sepsis data set
  gcs = gcs_total,
  fixed_pupils = as.integer(pupil == "both-fixed"),
  data = sepsis

# build an example data set with all possible neurologic scores
DF <- expand.grid(gcs = c(3:15, NA), pupils = c(0, 1, NA))
DF$target <- 0L
DF$target[DF$gcs <= 10] <- 1L
DF$target[DF$pupils == 1] <- 2L
DF$current <- phoenix_neurologic(gcs, pupils, DF)
stopifnot(identical(DF$target, DF$current))

[Package phoenix version 1.1.1 Index]