phia-package |
Post-Hoc Interaction Analysis |
Boik |
Contrived Data of Treatments for Hemophobia |
contrastCoefficients |
Calculate Coefficient Matrices of Factor Contrasts |
interactionMeans |
Calculate and Plot Adjusted Means for Interactions |
Keselman |
Repeated-Measures Pyschopsychological Experiment |
Keselman1 |
Repeated-Measures Pyschopsychological Experiment |
Keselman2 |
Repeated-Measures Pyschopsychological Experiment |
phia |
Post-Hoc Interaction Analysis |
plot.interactionMeans |
Calculate and Plot Adjusted Means for Interactions |
Rosnow |
Rosnow's and Rosenthal's Baseball Performance Data |
summary.testFactors |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.default |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.glm |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.lm |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.lme |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.mer |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.merMod |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testFactors.mlm |
Evaluate and Test Combinations of Factor Levels |
testInteractions |
Test Contrasts of Factor Interactions |