Auxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘pheno’ version 1.7-0

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connectedSets Connected sets in a matrix
date2jul1 Converts string date to Julian date
date2jul2 Converts a date (day,month,year) to Julian date
daylength Daylength at julian day i on latitude l
daysbetween Number of days between two dates
DWD Phenological observations
getConnectedSets Finds connected sets in a matrix or data frame
jul2date1 Converts Julian date into string date
jul2date2 Converts Julian date to integers day,month,year
leapyear Boolean test for leap year
matrix2raw Converts numeric matrix to data frame
maxConnectedSet Maximal connected set in a matrix
maxdaylength Maximal day length on latitude l
pheno.ddm Dense design matrix for phenological data Fits a two-way linear fixed model Fits a robust two-way linear model Fits a two-way linear mixed model
raw2matrix Converts a numeric data frame to matrix
Searle Example of a two-way classification table
seqMK Sequential Mann-Kendall test for time series.
Simple Simple example of a two-way classification table
tau Kendall's normalized tau