bbox2sf |
Convert a bounding box into a sf object. |
CI |
Confidence interval of percentages |
classnum |
Gives an index vector of the class category of each value of a numerical vector |
cormat |
Gives a correlation matrix and the probability of Ho for each correlation |
correlog |
Computes Moran's or Geary's coefficients on distance classes |
date2winter |
Convert a POSIXt date into categories corresponding to a autumn/winter/spring sequence |
diag2edge |
Computes the edge of a square from its diagonal |
difshannonbio |
Empirical confidence interval of the bootstrap of the difference between two Shannon indices |
dirProj |
Computes new coordinates given bearings and distances. |
dirSeg |
Computes segment directions. |
distNNeigh |
Computes distances to the nearest neighbour |
distNode |
Computes the distances between each nodes of a polyline. |
distSeg |
Computes distances between the top coordinates of segments. |
distTot |
Computes the total length of a polyline. |
expandpoly |
Homothetia (size expansion) of a polygon |
findR |
Computes the distance between the centroid and the most distant coordinate of a geographical coordinate set |
friedmanmc |
Multiple comparisons after Friedman test |
kruskalmc |
Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis |
kruskalmc.default |
Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis |
kruskalmc.formula |
Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis |
ks.gof |
Kolmogorof-Smirnov goodness of fit test to normal distribution |
mergeTrackObs |
Count the nearest observations to points corresponding to track intervals |
pairsrp |
Produces a matrix of scatterplot, regression coefficient and p(Ho) |
pave |
Provide square polygons or their node coordinates along a segment |
permcont |
Random permutation of a contingency table n row x 2 columns |
PermTest |
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objects |
PermTest.glm |
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objects |
PermTest.lm |
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objects |
PermTest.lme |
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objects |
piankabio |
Computes the Pianka's index of niche overlap |
piankabioboot |
Bootstrap Pianka's index |
plot.correlog |
Computes Moran's or Geary's coefficients on distance classes |
polycirc |
Computes the polygon coordinates of a circle |
polycirc2 |
Computes the polygon coordinates of a circle sector |
preybiom |
Jackal and Genet diet in Algeria |
print.clnum |
Gives an index vector of the class category of each value of a numerical vector |
print.correlog |
Computes Moran's or Geary's coefficients on distance classes | |
print method for objects of class 'mc' |
print.PermTest |
Permutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson) objects |
Segments |
Draw line segments between pairs of points. |
selMod |
Model selection according to information theoretic methods |
selMod.glm |
Model selection according to information theoretic methods |
selMod.list |
Model selection according to information theoretic methods |
selMod.lm |
Model selection according to information theoretic methods |
shannon |
Computes Shannon's and equitability indices |
shannonbio |
Computes Shannon's and equitability indices from a data frame of dietary analysis (n, biomass,...) |
shannonbioboot |
Boostrap Shannon's and equitability indices |
siegelp179 |
Data on rats training |
st_thintrack |
Thin a track just keeping the points separated by a user defined minimal distance |
tabcont2categ |
Convert a contingency table (data.frame) into a presence/absence table of categories |
trans2pix |
Convert a transect coordinate file with some waypoints separated by NA into a matrix with intermediate coordinates replacing NA. |
trans2seg |
Convert a transect coordinate file into a matrix with segment coordinates. |
transLines2pix |
Convert MULTILINESTRING and/or LINESTRING into POINT geometry with points at regular distance between nodes |
TukeyHSDs |
Simplify the list of a TukeyHSD object keeping the significant differences only. |
val4symb |
Center a numerical vector on a parameter position and provides absolute values and colors according to negative and positive values |
write.delim |
Write a data.frame |
writecn.delim |
Write a data.frame that has Chinese characters |