pgenlibr-package |
PLINK 2 Binary (.pgen) Reader |
AlleleCodeBuf |
Returns an empty two-row numeric matrix that ReadAlleles() can load to. |
BoolBuf |
Returns a bool buffer that ReadAlleles() can load phasing information to. |
Buf |
Returns a numeric buffer that Read() or ReadHardcalls() can load to. |
ClosePgen |
Closes a pgen object, releasing resources. |
ClosePvar |
Closes a pvar object, releasing memory. |
GetAlleleCode |
Look up an allele code. |
GetAlleleCt |
Returns the effective number of alleles for a variant. Note that if no pvar was provided to the NewPgen() call, this function may return 2 even at multiallelic variants, since the .pgen may not store allele-count information. |
GetMaxAlleleCt |
Returns the maximum GetAlleleCt() value across all variants in the file. |
GetRawSampleCt |
Returns the number of samples in the file. |
GetVariantCt |
Returns the number of variants in the file. |
GetVariantId |
Convert variant index to variant ID string. |
GetVariantsById |
Convert variant ID string to variant index(es). |
HardcallPhasePresent |
Returns whether explicitly phased hardcalls are present. |
IntAlleleCodeBuf |
Returns an empty two-row integer matrix that ReadAlleles() can load to. |
IntBuf |
Returns an integer buffer that ReadHardcalls() can load to. |
NewPgen |
Opens a .pgen or PLINK 1 .bed file. |
NewPvar |
Loads variant IDs and allele codes from a .pvar or .bim file (which can be compressed with gzip or Zstd). |
pgenlibr |
PLINK 2 Binary (.pgen) Reader |
Read |
Loads the variant_numth variant, and then fills buf with numeric dosages in [0, 2] indicating the dosages of the first ALT (or user-specified) allele for each sample, with missing values represented by NA. |
ReadAlleles |
Loads the variant_numth variant, and then fills acbuf with integer allele codes, where each column of the buffer corresponds to a sample. An allele code of 0 corresponds to the REF allele, 1 to the first ALT, 2 to the second ALT, etc. Missing hardcalls are represented by a pair of NA codes. |
ReadHardcalls |
Loads the variant_numth variant, and then fills buf with {0, 1, 2, NA} values indicating the number of copies of the first ALT (or user-specified) allele each sample has. |
ReadIntList |
Load hardcalls for multiple variants as an integer matrix. |
ReadList |
Load dosages for multiple variants as a numeric matrix. |
VariantScores |
Compute variant scores. |