%ni% |
NOTIN Operator. |
accuracyAtCutoff |
Accuracy at a Given Cutoff. |
accuracyAtEachCutoff |
Accuracy at Each Cutoff. |
accuracyOverall |
Overall Accuracy. |
addText |
Add Correlation to Scatterplot. |
attenuationCorrelation |
Attenuation of True Correlation Due to Measurement Error. |
columnBindFill |
Column Bind and Fill. |
complement |
Simulate Complement Variable. |
computeItemFrequencies |
Frequency Per Duration. |
computeLifetimeFrequencies |
Frequency Per Duration. |
convert.magic |
Convert Variable Types. |
convertHoursAMPM |
Convert AM and PM Hours. |
convertToHours |
Convert Time to Hours. |
convertToMinutes |
Convert Time to Minutes. |
convertToSeconds |
Convert Time to Seconds. |
cor.table |
Correlation Matrix. |
crossTimeCorrelation |
Cross-Time Correlations. |
crossTimeCorrelationDF |
Cross-Time Correlations Dataframe. |
disattenuationCorrelation |
Disattenuation of Observed Correlation Due to Measurement Error. |
discriminationToFactorLoading |
Discrimination (IRT) to Standardized Factor Loading. |
dropColsWithAllNA |
Drop NA columns. |
dropRowsWithAllNA |
Drop NA rows. |
equiv_chi |
Chi-Square Equivalence Test for Structural Equation Models. |
fourPL |
4-Parameter Logistic Curve. |
getDependencies |
Package Dependencies. |
imputationCombine |
Combine Results from Mixed Effect Imputation Models. |
imputationModelCompare |
Compare Mixed Effect Imputation Models. |
imputationPRV |
Proportional Reduction of Variance from Imputation Models. |
is.nan.data.frame |
NaN (Not a Number). |
itemInformation |
Item Information. |
lmCombine |
Combine Results from Multiple Regression Imputation Models. |
lmeSummary |
Summarize mixed effects model. |
load_or_install |
Load or Install Packages. |
make_esem_model |
Make ESEM Model. |
mark_intensity_as_zero |
Recode Intensity. |
meanSum |
Mean Sum. |
Mode |
Statistical Mode. |
mortgage |
Mortgage Principal and Interest. |
mySum |
My Sum. |
nomogrammer |
Create Nomogram. |
not_all_na |
Any Rows Not NA. |
not_any_na |
Not Any NA. |
optimalCutoff |
Optimal Cutoff. |
pA |
Bayes' Theorem. |
pAgivenB |
Bayes' Theorem. |
pAgivenNotB |
Bayes' Theorem. |
partialcor.table |
Partial Correlation Matrix. |
pB |
Bayes' Theorem. |
pBgivenA |
Bayes' Theorem. |
pBgivenNotA |
Bayes' Theorem. |
percentEffort |
Person Months. |
percentileToTScore |
Percentile to T-Score Conversion. |
personMonths |
Person Months. |
plot2WayInteraction |
Plot 2-way interaction. |
pom |
Proportion of Maximum (POM). |
ppPlot |
PP Plot. |
puc |
Percent of Uncontaminated Correlations (PUC). |
pValue |
p-values. |
read.aes |
Read Encrypted Data. |
recode_intensity |
Recode Intensity. |
redcapProgressBar |
Progress Bar for REDCap. |
reliabilityIRT |
Reliability (IRT). |
reliabilityOfDifferenceScore |
Reliability of Difference Score. |
repeatability |
Repeatability. |
reverse_score |
Reverse Score Variables. |
satorraBentlerScaledChiSquareDifferenceTestStatistic |
Satorra-Bentler Scaled Chi-Square Difference Test Statistic. |
setLabPath |
Set Lab Path. |
simulateAUC |
Simulate Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC). |
simulateIndirectEffect |
Simulate Indirect Effect. |
specify_decimal |
Specify Decimals. |
standardErrorIRT |
Standard Error of Measurement (IRT). |
suppressLeadingZero |
Suppress Leading Zero. |
timesPerInterval |
Frequency Per Duration. |
timesPerLifetime |
Frequency Per Duration. |
update_nested |
Update Nested Models in Hierarchical Regression. |
vwReg |
Visually Weighted Regression. |
write.aes |
Write Encrypted Data. |