A Collection of R Functions by the Petersen Lab

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Documentation for package ‘petersenlab’ version 1.0.0

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%ni% NOTIN Operator.
accuracyAtCutoff Accuracy at a Given Cutoff.
accuracyAtEachCutoff Accuracy at Each Cutoff.
accuracyOverall Overall Accuracy.
addText Add Correlation to Scatterplot.
attenuationCorrelation Attenuation of True Correlation Due to Measurement Error.
columnBindFill Column Bind and Fill.
complement Simulate Complement Variable.
computeItemFrequencies Frequency Per Duration.
computeLifetimeFrequencies Frequency Per Duration.
convert.magic Convert Variable Types.
convertHoursAMPM Convert AM and PM Hours.
convertToHours Convert Time to Hours.
convertToMinutes Convert Time to Minutes.
convertToSeconds Convert Time to Seconds.
cor.table Correlation Matrix.
crossTimeCorrelation Cross-Time Correlations.
crossTimeCorrelationDF Cross-Time Correlations Dataframe.
disattenuationCorrelation Disattenuation of Observed Correlation Due to Measurement Error.
discriminationToFactorLoading Discrimination (IRT) to Standardized Factor Loading.
dropColsWithAllNA Drop NA columns.
dropRowsWithAllNA Drop NA rows.
equiv_chi Chi-Square Equivalence Test for Structural Equation Models.
fourPL 4-Parameter Logistic Curve.
getDependencies Package Dependencies.
imputationCombine Combine Results from Mixed Effect Imputation Models.
imputationModelCompare Compare Mixed Effect Imputation Models.
imputationPRV Proportional Reduction of Variance from Imputation Models.
is.nan.data.frame NaN (Not a Number).
itemInformation Item Information.
lmCombine Combine Results from Multiple Regression Imputation Models.
lmeSummary Summarize mixed effects model.
load_or_install Load or Install Packages.
make_esem_model Make ESEM Model.
mark_intensity_as_zero Recode Intensity.
meanSum Mean Sum.
Mode Statistical Mode.
mortgage Mortgage Principal and Interest.
mySum My Sum.
nomogrammer Create Nomogram.
not_all_na Any Rows Not NA.
not_any_na Not Any NA.
optimalCutoff Optimal Cutoff.
pA Bayes' Theorem.
pAgivenB Bayes' Theorem.
pAgivenNotB Bayes' Theorem.
partialcor.table Partial Correlation Matrix.
pB Bayes' Theorem.
pBgivenA Bayes' Theorem.
pBgivenNotA Bayes' Theorem.
percentEffort Person Months.
percentileToTScore Percentile to T-Score Conversion.
personMonths Person Months.
plot2WayInteraction Plot 2-way interaction.
pom Proportion of Maximum (POM).
ppPlot PP Plot.
puc Percent of Uncontaminated Correlations (PUC).
pValue p-values.
read.aes Read Encrypted Data.
recode_intensity Recode Intensity.
redcapProgressBar Progress Bar for REDCap.
reliabilityIRT Reliability (IRT).
reliabilityOfDifferenceScore Reliability of Difference Score.
repeatability Repeatability.
reverse_score Reverse Score Variables.
satorraBentlerScaledChiSquareDifferenceTestStatistic Satorra-Bentler Scaled Chi-Square Difference Test Statistic.
setLabPath Set Lab Path.
simulateAUC Simulate Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC).
simulateIndirectEffect Simulate Indirect Effect.
specify_decimal Specify Decimals.
standardErrorIRT Standard Error of Measurement (IRT).
suppressLeadingZero Suppress Leading Zero.
timesPerInterval Frequency Per Duration.
timesPerLifetime Frequency Per Duration.
update_nested Update Nested Models in Hierarchical Regression.
vwReg Visually Weighted Regression.
write.aes Write Encrypted Data.