LaLonde {personalized} | R Documentation |
National Supported Work Study Data
The LaLonde dataset comes from the National Supported Work Study, which sought to evaluate the effectiveness of an employment trainining program on wage increases.
A data frame with 722 observations and 12 variables:
- outcome
whether earnings in 1978 are larger than in 1975; 1 for yes, 0 for no
- treat
whether the individual received the treatment; "Yes" or "No"
- age
age in years
- educ
education in years
- black
black or not; factor with levels "Yes" or "No"
- hisp
hispanic or not; factor with levels "Yes" or "No"
- white
white or not; factor with levels "Yes" or "No"
- marr
married or not; factor with levels "Yes" or "No"
- nodegr
No high school degree; factor with levels "Yes" (for no HS degree) or "No"
- log.re75
log of earnings in 1975
- u75
unemployed in 1975; factor with levels "Yes" or "No"
- wts.extrap
extrapolation weights to the 1978 Panel Study for Income Dynamics dataset
The National Supported Work Study.
LaLonde, R.J. 1986. "Evaluating the econometric evaulations of training programs with experimental data." American Economic Review, Vol.76, No.4, pp. 604-620.
Egami N, Ratkovic M, Imai K (2017). "FindIt: Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects." R
package version 1.1.2,
y <- LaLonde$outcome
trt <- LaLonde$treat
x.varnames <- c("age", "educ", "black", "hisp", "white",
"marr", "nodegr", "log.re75", "u75")
# covariates
data.x <- LaLonde[, x.varnames]
# construct design matrix (with no intercept)
x <- model.matrix(~ -1 + ., data = data.x)
const.propens <- function(x, trt)
mean.trt <- mean(trt == "Trt")
rep(mean.trt, length(trt))
subgrp_fit_w <- fit.subgroup(x = x, y = y, trt = trt,
loss = "logistic_loss_lasso",
propensity.func = const.propens,
cutpoint = 0,
type.measure = "auc",
nfolds = 10)