Permutation Tests for Regression, (Repeated Measures) ANOVA/ANCOVA and Comparison of Signals

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Documentation for package ‘permuco’ version 1.1.2

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aovperm P-values based on permutation tests for ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA designs.
as.Pmat Method to convert into 'Pmat' object.
attentionshifting_design Datatset of the design for the data attentionshifting_signal
attentionshifting_signal Dataset containing the event-related potential of the electrod O1 of a control experiment.
clusterlm Cluster-mass test for longitudinal data
compute_clusterdepth Cluster-depth correction
compute_clusterdepth_head Cluster-depth correction (from the head only)
compute_clustermass Clustermass test correction
compute_maxT The max-T correction
compute_minP The min-P correction
compute_stepdownmaxT Step-down version of the max-T correction
compute_tfce Threshold-Free Cluster-Enhancement correction
compute_troendle The Troendle's correction
emergencycost Dataset of cost of emergency patients.
jpah2016 Dataset of a control study in psychology.
lmperm Permutation tests for regression parameters
plot.clusterlm Plot cluster or parameters.
plot.lmperm Plot method for class '"lmperm"'.
Pmat Create a set of permutations/signflips.
Pmat_product Multiplies a vector with a Pmat object
print.clusterlm Print 'clusterlm' object.
summary.clusterlm Summarize of a 'clusterlm' object.