An Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of Predictive Models

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Documentation for package ‘performanceEstimation’ version 1.1.0

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bootEstimates Performance estimation using (e0 or .632) bootstrap
Bootstrap Class "Bootstrap"
Bootstrap-class Class "Bootstrap"
CDdiagram.BD CD diagrams for the post-hoc Boferroni-Dunn test
CDdiagram.Nemenyi CD diagrams for the post-hoc Nemenyi test
classificationMetrics Calculate some standard classification evaluation metrics of predictive performance
ComparisonResults Class "ComparisonResults"
ComparisonResults-class Class "ComparisonResults"
CV Class "CV"
CV-class Class "CV"
cvEstimates Performance estimation using cross validation
EstCommon-class Class '"EstCommon"'
EstimationMethod Class "EstimationMethod"
EstimationMethod-class Class "EstimationMethod"
EstimationResults Class "EstimationResults"
EstimationResults-class Class "EstimationResults"
estimationSummary Obtain a set of descriptive statistics of the scores of a workflow on a task
EstimationTask Class '"EstimationTask"'
EstimationTask-class Class '"EstimationTask"'
getIterationsInfo Obtaining the information returned by a workflow when applied to a task, on a particular iteration of the estimation process or on all iterations
getIterationsPreds Obtaining the predictions returned by a workflow when applied to a task, on a particular iteration of the estimation process, or on all iterations
getScores Obtaining the metric scores on the different iterations for a workflow / task combination
getWorkflow Obtain the workflow object corresponding to an ID
hldEstimates Performance estimation using holdout and random resampling
Holdout Class "Holdout"
Holdout-class Class "Holdout"
is.classification Check if a certain predictive task is a classification problem
is.regression Check if a certain predictive task is a regression problem
knnImp Fill in NA values with the values of the nearest neighbours
LOOCV-class Class "LOOCV"
loocvEstimates Performance estimation using Leave One Out Cross Validation
mcEstimates Performance estimation for time series prediction tasks using Monte Carlo
mergeEstimationRes Merging several 'ComparisonResults' class objects
metricNames The evaluation metrics estimated in an experiment
metricsSummary Obtains a summary of the individual metric scores obtained by each workflow on a set of tasks.
MonteCarlo Class "MonteCarlo"
MonteCarlo-class Class "MonteCarlo"
pairedComparisons Statistical hypothesis testing on the observed paired differences in estimated performance.
performanceEstimation Estimate the predictive performance of modeling alternatives on different predictive tasks
plot-method Class "ComparisonResults"
plot-method Class "EstimationResults"
PredTask Class "PredTask"
PredTask-class Class "PredTask"
rankWorkflows Provide a ranking of workflows involved in an estimation process.
regressionMetrics Calculate some standard regression evaluation metrics of predictive performance
responseValues Obtain the target variable values of a prediction task
results2table Obtains a dplyr data frame table object containing all the results of an experiment
runWorkflow Run a workflow on a predictive task
show-method Class "Bootstrap"
show-method Class "CV"
show-method Class "ComparisonResults"
show-method Class "EstimationResults"
show-method Class '"EstimationTask"'
show-method Class "Holdout"
show-method Class "LOOCV"
show-method Class "MonteCarlo"
show-method Class "PredTask"
show-method Class "Workflow"
signifDiffs Obtains a list with the set of paired differences that are statistically significant according to a p-value threshold
smote SMOTE algorithm for unbalanced classification problems
standardPOST A function for applying post-processing steps to the predictions of a model
standardPRE A function for applying data pre-processing steps
standardWF A function implementing a standard workflow for prediction tasks
subset-method Methods for Function 'subset' in Package 'performanceEstimation'
subset-methods Methods for Function 'subset' in Package 'performanceEstimation'
summary-method Class "ComparisonResults"
summary-method Class "EstimationResults"
summary-method Class "Workflow"
taskNames The prediction tasks involved in an estimation experiment
timeseriesWF A function implementing sliding and growing window standard workflows for time series forecasting tasks
topPerformer Obtain the workflow that best performed in terms of a metric on a task
topPerformers Obtain the best scores from a performance estimation experiment
Workflow Class "Workflow"
Workflow-class Class "Workflow"
workflowNames The IDs of the workflows involved in an estimation experiment
workflowVariants Generate (parameter) variants of a workflow