perARMA-package {perARMA}R Documentation

Periodic Time Series Analysis and Modeling


This package provides procedures for periodic time series analysis. The package includes procedures for nonparametric spectral analysis and parametric (PARMA) identification, estimation/fitting and prediction. The package is equipped with three examples of periodic time series: volumes and volumes.sep, which record hourly volumes of traded energy, and arosa containing monthly ozone levels.


Package: perARMA
Type: Package
Version: 1.6
Date: 2016-02-25
License: GPL(>=2.0)
LazyLoad: yes

The main routines are:
Nonparametric spectral analysis: pgram, scoh
Preliminary identification and conditioning: permest, persigest
Identification: peracf, Bcoeff, perpacf, acfpacf
Parameter estimation/fitting: perYW, loglikec, parmaf, loglikef
Prediction: predictperYW, predseries
Simulation and testing: makeparma, parma_ident

For a complete list of procedures use library(help="perARMA").


Anna Dudek, Harry Hurd and Wioletta Wojtowicz
Maintainer: Karolina Marek <>


Hurd, H. L., Miamee, A. G., (2007), Periodically Correlated Random Sequences: Spectral Theory and Practice, Wiley InterScience.

See Also

Packages for Periodic Autoregression Analysis link{pear}, Dynamic Systems Estimation link{dse} and Bayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear Models link{dlm}.


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[Package perARMA version 1.7 Index]