opt2D {pensim} | R Documentation |
Parallelized, two-dimensional tuning of Elastic Net L1/L2 penalties
This function implements parallelized two-dimensional optimization of Elastic Net penalty parameters. This is accomplished by scanning a regular grid of L1/L2 penalties, then using the top five CVL penalty combinations from this grid as starting points for the convex optimization problem.
L1range = c(0.001, 100),
L2range = c(0.001, 100),
dofirst = "both",
nprocessors = 1,
L1gridsize = 10, L2gridsize = 10,
cl = NULL,
nsim |
Number of times to repeat the simulation (around 50 is suggested) |
L1range |
numeric vector of length two, giving minimum and maximum constraints on the L1 penalty |
L2range |
numeric vector of length two, giving minimum and maximum constraints on the L2 penalty |
dofirst |
"L1" to optimize L1 followed by L2, "L2" to optimize L2 followed by L1, or "both" to optimize both simultaneously in a two-dimensional optimization. |
nprocessors |
An integer number of processors to use. |
L1gridsize |
Number of values of the L1 penalty in the regular grid of L1/L2 penalties |
L2gridsize |
Number of values of the L2 penalty in the regular grid of L1/L2 penalties |
cl |
Optional cluster object created with the makeCluster() function of the parallel package. If this is not set, pensim calls makeCluster(nprocessors, type="SOCK"). Setting this parameter can enable parallelization in more diverse scenarios than multi-core desktops; see the documentation for the parallel package. Note that if cl is user-defined, this function will not automatically run parallel::stopCluster() to shut down the cluster. |
... |
arguments passed on to optL1 and optL2 (dofirst="L1" or "L2"), or cvl (dofirst="both") functions of the penalized R package |
This function sets up a SNOW (Simple Network of Workstations) "sock" cluster to parallelize the task of repeated tunings the Elastic Net penalty parameters. Three methods are implemented, as described by Waldron et al. (2011): lambda1 followed by lambda2 (lambda1-lambda2), lambda2 followed by lambda1 (lambda2-lambda1), and lambda1 with lambda2 simultaneously (lambda1+lambda2). Tuning of the penalty parameters is done by the optL1 or optL2 functions of the penalized R package.
Returns a matrix with the following columns:
L1 |
optimized value of the L1 penalty parameter |
L2 |
optimized value of the L2 penalty parameter |
cvl |
optimized cross-validated likelihood |
convergence |
0 if the optimization converged, non-zero otherwise (see stats:optim for details) |
fncalls |
number of calls to cvl function during optimization |
coef_1 , coef_2 , ... , coef_n |
argmax coefficients for the model with this value of the tuning parameter |
The matrix contains one row for each repeat of the regression.
Depends on the R packages: penalized, parallel, rlecuyer
Levi Waldron et al.
Waldron L, Pintilie M, Tsao M-S, Shepherd FA, Huttenhower C*, Jurisica I*: Optimized application of penalized regression methods to diverse genomic data. Bioinformatics 2011, 27:3399-3406. (*equal contribution)
See Also
optL1, optL2, cvl
## Select just 100 genes to speed computation:
beer.exprs.sample <- beer.exprs[sample(1:nrow(beer.exprs), 100),]
## Apply an unreasonably strict gene filter here to speed computation
## time for the Elastic Net example.
gene.quant <- apply(beer.exprs.sample, 1, quantile, probs = 0.75)
dat.filt <- beer.exprs.sample[gene.quant > log2(150),]
gene.iqr <- apply(dat.filt, 1, IQR)
dat.filt <- as.matrix(dat.filt[gene.iqr > 1,])
dat.filt <- t(dat.filt)
## Define training and test sets
trainingset <- sample(rownames(dat.filt), round(nrow(dat.filt) / 2))
testset <-
rownames(dat.filt)[!rownames(dat.filt) %in% trainingset]
dat.training <- data.frame(dat.filt[trainingset,])
pheno.training <- beer.survival[trainingset,]
surv.training <- Surv(pheno.training$os, pheno.training$status)
dat.test <- data.frame(dat.filt[testset,])
all.equal(colnames(dat.training), colnames(dat.test))
pheno.test <- beer.survival[testset,]
surv.test <- Surv(pheno.test$os, pheno.test$status)
##ideally set nsim=50, fold=10, but this takes 100x longer.
output <- opt2D(
nsim = 1,
L1range = c(0.1, 1),
L2range = c(20, 1000),
dofirst = "both",
nprocessors = 1,
response = surv.training,
penalized = dat.training,
fold = 5,
positive = FALSE,
standardize = TRUE
cc <- output[which.max(output[, "cvl"]),-1:-5]
output[which.max(output[, "cvl"]), 1:5] #small L1, large L2
sum(abs(cc) > 0) #number of non-zero coefficients
preds.training <- as.matrix(dat.training) %*% cc
preds.training.median <- median(preds.training)
preds.training.dichot <-
ifelse(preds.training > preds.training.median, "high risk", "low risk")
preds.training.dichot <-
factor(preds.training.dichot[, 1], levels = c("low risk", "high risk"))
preds.test <- as.matrix(dat.test) %*% cc
preds.test.dichot <-
ifelse(preds.test > preds.training.median, "high risk", "low risk")
preds.test.dichot <-
factor(preds.test.dichot[, 1], levels = c("low risk", "high risk"))
coxphfit.training <- coxph(surv.training ~ preds.training.dichot)
survfit.training <- survfit(surv.training ~ preds.training.dichot)
coxphfit.test <- coxph(surv.test ~ preds.test.dichot)
survfit.test <- survfit(surv.test ~ preds.test.dichot)
(p.training <-
signif(summary(coxphfit.training)$logtest[3], 2)) #likelihood ratio test
(hr.training <- signif(summary(coxphfit.training)$conf.int[1], 2))
(hr.lower.training <- summary(coxphfit.training)$conf.int[3])
(hr.upper.training <- summary(coxphfit.training)$conf.int[4])
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
col = c("black", "red"),
conf.int = FALSE,
xlab = "Months",
main = "TRAINING",
ylab = "Overall survival"
xmax <- par("usr")[2] - 50
x = xmax,
y = 0.4,
lab = paste("HR=", hr.training),
pos = 2
x = xmax,
y = 0.3,
lab = paste("p=", p.training, "", sep = ""),
pos = 2
tmp <- summary(preds.training.dichot)
x = xmax,
y = c(0.2, 0.1),
lab = paste(tmp, names(tmp)),
col = 1:2,
pos = 2
## Now the test set.
## in the test set, HR=1.7 is not significant - not surprising with the
## overly strict non-specific pre-filter (IQR>1, 75th percentile > log2(150)
(p.test <-
signif(summary(coxphfit.test)$logtest[3], 2)) #likelihood ratio test
(hr.test <- signif(summary(coxphfit.test)$conf.int[1], 2))
(hr.lower.test <- summary(coxphfit.test)$conf.int[3])
(hr.upper.test <- summary(coxphfit.test)$conf.int[4])
col = c("black", "red"),
conf.int = FALSE,
xlab = "Months",
main = "TEST"
x = xmax,
y = 0.4,
lab = paste("HR=", hr.test),
pos = 2
x = xmax,
y = 0.3,
lab = paste("p=", p.test, "", sep = ""),
pos = 2
tmp <- summary(preds.test.dichot)
x = xmax,
y = c(0.2, 0.1),
lab = paste(tmp, names(tmp)),
col = 1:2,
pos = 2