predict {penalizedSVM} | R Documentation |
Predict Method for Feature Selection SVM
This function predicts values based upon a model trained by svm. If class assigment is provided, confusion table, missclassification table, sensitivity and specificity are calculated.
## S3 method for class 'penSVM'
predict(object, newdata, newdata.labels = NULL, labels.universe=NULL, ...)
object |
Object of class "penSVM", created by 'svmfs' |
newdata |
A matrix containing the new input data, samples in rows, features in columns |
newdata.labels |
optional, new data class labels |
labels.universe |
important for models produced by loocv: all possible labels in the particular data set |
... |
additional argument(s) |
returns a list of prediction values for classes
pred.class |
predicted class |
tab |
confusion table |
error |
missclassification error |
sensitivity |
sensitivity |
specificity |
specificity |
Natalia Becker
See Also
seed<- 123
train< = 200, ng = 100, nsg = 10, corr=FALSE, seed=seed )
#train standard svm
my.svm<-svm(x=t(train$x), y=train$y, kernel="linear")
# test with other data
test<- = 200, ng = 100, nsg = 10, seed=(seed+1) )
# Check accuracy standard SVM
my.pred <-ifelse( predict(my.svm, t(test$x)) >0,1,-1)
# Check accuracy:
table(my.pred, test$y)
## Not run: # define set values of tuning parameter lambda1 for SCAD
lambda1.scad <- c (seq(0.01 ,0.05, .01), seq(0.1,0.5, 0.2), 1 )
# for presentation don't check all lambdas : time consuming!
# computation intensive; for demostration reasons only for the first 100 features
# and only for 10 Iterations maxIter=10, default maxIter=700
system.time(fit.scad<- svmfs(x=t(train$x)[,1:100],y=train$y, fs.method="scad", cross.outer= 0, = "discrete", lambda1.set=lambda1.scad[1:3], show="none",
parms.coding = "none", maxIter=10,
inner.val.method = "cv", cross.inner= 5, seed=seed, verbose=FALSE))
test.error.scad<-predict(fit.scad, newdata=t(test$x)[,1:100],newdata.labels=test$y )
# Check accuracy SCAD SVM
## End(Not run)
## analog for 1-norm SVM
#epsi.set<-vector(); for (num in (1:9)) epsi.set<-sort(c(epsi.set, c(num*10^seq(-5, -1, 1 ))) )
#lambda1.1norm <- epsi.set[c(3,5)] # 2 params
## train 1norm SVM
# norm1.fix<- svmfs(t(train$x), y=train$y, fs.method="1norm",
# cross.outer= 0, = "discrete",
# lambda1.set=lambda1.1norm, show="none",
# parms.coding = "none",
# maxIter = 700, inner.val.method = "cv", cross.inner= 5,
# seed=seed, verbose=FALSE )
# print(norm1.fix)
## L1-norm SVM
#test.error.1norm<-predict(norm1.fix, newdata=t(test$x),newdata.labels=test$y )
# # Check accuracy L1-norm SVM
[Package penalizedSVM version 1.1.4 Index]