{penAFT}R Documentation

Cross-validation function for fitting a regularized semiparametric accelerated failure time model


A function to perform cross-validation and compute the solution path for the regularized semiparametric accelerated failure time model estimator.

Usage, logY, delta, nlambda = 50, 
  lambda.ratio.min = 0.1, lambda = NULL, 
  penalty = NULL, alpha = 1,weight.set = NULL, 
  groups = NULL, tol.abs = 1e-8, tol.rel = 2.5e-4, 
  standardize = TRUE, nfolds = 5, cv.index = NULL, 
  admm.max.iter = 1e4,quiet = TRUE)



An n×pn \times p matrix of predictors. Observations should be organized by row.


An nn-dimensional vector of log-survival or log-censoring times.


An nn-dimensional binary vector indicating whether the jjth component of logY is an observed log-survival time (δj=1\delta_j = 1) or a log-censoring time (δj=0\delta_j = 0) for j=1,,nj=1, \dots, n.


The number of candidate tuning parameters to consider.


The ratio of maximum to minimum candidate tuning parameter value. As a default, we suggest 0.1, but standard model selection procedures should be applied to select λ\lambda.


An optional (not recommended) prespecified vector of candidate tuning parameters. Should be in descending order.


Either "EN" or "SG" for elastic net or sparse group lasso penalties.


The tuning parameter α\alpha. See documentation.


A list of weights. For both penalties, ww is an nn-dimensional vector of nonnegative weights. For "SG" penalty, can also include vv – a non-negative vector the length of the number of groups. See documentation for usage example.


When using penalty "SG", a pp-dimensional vector of integers corresponding the to group assignment of each predictor (i.e., column of X).


Absolute convergence tolerance.


Relative convergence tolerance.


Should predictors be standardized (i.e., scaled to have unit variance) for model fitting?


The number of folds to be used for cross-validation. Default is five. Ten is recommended when sample size is especially small.


A list of length nfolds of indices to be used for cross-validation. This is to be used if trying to perform cross-validation for both α\alpha and λ\lambda. Use with extreme caution: this overwrites nfolds.


Maximum number of ADMM iterations.


TRUE or FALSE variable indicating whether progress should be printed.


Given (logy1,x1,δ1),,(logyn,xn,δn)(\log y_1 , x_1, \delta_1),\dots,(\log y_n , x_n, \delta_n) where for subject ii (i=1,,ni = 1, \dots, n), yiy_i is the minimum of the survival time and censoring time, xix_i is a pp-dimensional predictor, and δi\delta_i is the indicator of censoring, performs nfolds cross-validation for selecting the tuning parameter to be used in the argument minimizing

1n2i=1nj=1nδi{logyilogyj(xixj)β}+λg(β)\frac{1}{n^2}\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n \delta_i \{ \log y_i - \log y_j - (x_i - x_j)'\beta \}^{-} + \lambda g(\beta)

where {a}:=max(a,0)\{a \}^{-} := \max(-a, 0) , λ>0\lambda > 0, and gg is either the weighted elastic net penalty (penalty = "EN") or weighted sparse group lasso penalty (penalty = "SG"). The weighted elastic net penalty is defined as

αwβ1+(1α)2β22\alpha \| w \circ \beta\|_1 + \frac{(1-\alpha)}{2}\|\beta\|_2^2

where ww is a set of non-negative weights (which can be specified in the weight.set argument). The weighted sparse group-lasso penalty we consider is

αwβ1+(1α)l=1GvlβGl2\alpha \| w \circ \beta\|_1 + (1-\alpha)\sum_{l=1}^G v_l\|\beta_{\mathcal{G}_l}\|_2

where again, ww is a set of non-negative weights and vlv_l are weights applied to each of the GG groups.

Next, we define the cross-validation errors. Let V1,,VK\mathcal{V}_1, \dots, \mathcal{V}_K be a random nfolds = KK element partition of [n][n] (the subjects) with the cardinality of each Vk\mathcal{V}_k (the "kth fold"") approximately equal for k=1,,Kk = 1, \dots, K. Let β^λ(Vk){\hat{\beta}}_{\lambda(-\mathcal{V}_k)} be the solution with tuning parameter λ\lambda using only data indexed by [n]{Vk}[n] \setminus \{\mathcal{V}_k\} (i.e., outside the kth fold). Then, definining ei(β):=logyiβxie_i(\beta) := \log y_i - \beta'x_i for i=1,,ni= 1, \dots, n, we call

k=1K[1Vk2iVkjVkδi{ei(β^λ(Vk))ej(β^λ(Vk))}], \sum_{k=1}^K \left[\frac{1}{|\mathcal{V}_k|^2} \sum_{i \in \mathcal{V}_k} \sum_{j \in \mathcal{V}_k} \delta_i \{e_i({\hat{\beta}}_{\lambda(-\mathcal{V}_k)}) - e_{j}({\hat{\beta}}_{\lambda(-\mathcal{V}_k)})\}^{-}\right],

the cross-validated Gehan loss at λ\lambda in the kkth fold, and refer to the sum over all nfolds = KK folds as the cross-validated Gehan loss. Similarly, letting letting

e~i(β^λ)=k=1K(logyixiβ^λ(Vk))1(iVk) \tilde{e}_i({\hat{\beta}}_\lambda) = \sum_{k = 1}^K (\log y_i - x_i'{\hat{\beta}}_{\lambda(-\mathcal{V}_k)}) \mathbf{1}(i \in \mathcal{V}_k)

for each i[n]i \in [n], we call

[i=1nj=1nδi{e~i(β^λ)e~j(β^λ)}]\left[\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^n \delta_i \{\tilde{e}_i({\hat{\beta}}_\lambda) - \tilde{e}_j({\hat{\beta}}_\lambda)\}^{-}\right]

the cross-validated linear predictor score at λ\lambda.


A model fit with the same output as a model fit using penAFT. See documentation for penAFT for more.


A nlambda-dimensional vector of cross-validated linear predictor scores.


A nfolds ×\timesnlambda matrix of cross-valdiation Gehan losses.


A list of length nfolds. Each element contains the indices for subjects belonging to that particular fold.


 # --------------------------------------
# Generate data  
# --------------------------------------
genData <- genSurvData(n = 50, p = 50, s = 10, mag = 2,  cens.quant = 0.6)
X <- genData$X
logY <- genData$logY
delta <- genData$status
p <- dim(X)[2]

# -----------------------------------------------
# Fit elastic net penalized estimator
# -----------------------------------------------
fit.en <- = X, logY = logY, delta = delta,
                   nlambda = 10, lambda.ratio.min = 0.1,
                   penalty = "EN", nfolds = 5,
                   alpha = 1)
# ---- coefficients at tuning parameter minimizing cross-valdiation error
coef.en <- penAFT.coef(fit.en)

# ---- predict at 8th tuning parameter from full fit
Xnew <- matrix(rnorm(10*p), nrow=10)
predict.en <- penAFT.predict(fit.en, Xnew = Xnew, lambda = fit.en$$lambda[8])

  # -----------------------------------------------
  # Fit sparse group penalized estimator
  # -----------------------------------------------
  groups <- rep(1:5, each = 10) <- = X, logY = logY, delta = delta,
                    nlambda = 50, lambda.ratio.min = 0.01,
                    penalty = "SG", groups = groups, nfolds = 5,
                    alpha = 0.5)
  # -----------------------------------------------
  # Pass fold indices
  # -----------------------------------------------
  groups <- rep(1:5, each = 10)
  cv.index <- list()
  for(k in 1:5){
    cv.index[[k]] <- which(rep(1:5, length=50) == k)
  } <- = X, logY = logY, delta = delta,
                    nlambda = 50, lambda.ratio.min = 0.01,
                    penalty = "SG", groups = groups, 
                    cv.index = cv.index,
                    alpha = 0.5)
  # --- compare cv indices
  ## Not run:$cv.index  == cv.index

[Package penAFT version 0.3.0 Index]