getAlleles {pedtools}R Documentation

Allele matrix manipulation


Functions for getting and setting the genotypes of multiple individuals/markers simultaneously


getAlleles(x, ids = NULL, markers = NULL)

setAlleles(x, ids = NULL, markers = NULL, alleles)



A ped object or a list of such


A vector of ID labels. If NULL (default) all individuals are included.


A vector of indices or names of markers attaches to x. If NULL (default) all markers are included.


A character of the same format and dimensions as the output of getAlleles(x, ids, markers), or an object which can be converted by as.matrix() into such a matrix. See Details.


If the alleles argument of setAlleles() is not a matrix, it is recycled (if necessary), and converted into a matrix of the correct dimensions. For example, setting alleles = 0 gives a simple way of removing the genotypes of some or all individuals (while keeping the markers attached).


getAlleles() returns a character matrix with length(ids) rows and 2 * length(markers) columns. The ID labels of x are used as rownames, while the columns are named ⁠<m1>.1⁠, ⁠<m1>.2⁠, ... where ⁠<m1>⁠ is the name of the first marker, a.s.o.

setAlleles() returns a ped object identical to x, except for the modified alleles. In particular, all locus attributes are unchanged.

See Also



# Setup: Pedigree with two markers
x = nuclearPed(1)
x = addMarker(x, `2` = "1/2", alleles = 1:2, name = "m1")
x = addMarker(x, `3` = "2/2", alleles = 1:2, name = "m2")

# Extract allele matrix
mat1 = getAlleles(x)
mat2 = getAlleles(x, ids = 2:3, markers = "m2")
stopifnot(identical(mat1[2:3, 3:4], mat2))

# Remove all genotypes
y = setAlleles(x, alleles = 0)

# Setting a single genotype
z = setAlleles(y, ids = "1", marker = "m2", alleles = 1:2)

# Alternative: In-place modification with `genotype()`
genotype(y, id = "1", marker = "m2") = "1/2"

### Manipulation of pedlist objects
s = transferMarkers(x, singleton("s"))
peds = list(x, s)


setAlleles(peds, ids = "s", marker = "m1", alleles = 1:2)

[Package pedtools version 2.7.0 Index]