TradeEU {pder} | R Documentation |
Trade in the European Union
yearly observations of 91 pairs of countries from 1960 to 2001
number of observations : 3822
number of time-series : 42
country : Europe
package : gravity
JEL codes: C51, F14
Chapter : 06
A dataframe containing:
- year
the year
- pair
a pair of countries
- trade
the sum of logged exports and imports, bilateral trade flow
- gdp
the sum of the logged real GDPs
- sim
a measure of similarity between two trading countries;
- rlf
a measure of relative factor endowments;
- rer
the logged bilateral real exchange rate;
- cee
a dummy equal to 1 when both belong to European Community;
- emu
a dummy equal to 1 when both adopt the common currency;
- dist
the geographical distance between capital cities;
- bor
a dummy equal to 1 when the trading partners share a border;
- lan
a dummy equal to 1 when both speak the same language;
- rert
the logarithm of real exchange rates between the European currencies and the U.S. dollar;
- ftrade
the time specific common factors (individual means) of the variables trade
- fgdp
the time specific common factors (individual means) of the variables gdp
- fsim
the time specific common factors (individual means) of the variables sim
- frlf
the time specific common factors (individual means) of the variables rlf
- frer
the time specific common factors (individual means) of the variables rer
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive :
Serlenga, Laura and Yongcheol Shin (2007) “Gravity Models of Intra-eu Trade: Application of the Ccep-ht Estimation in Heterogenous Panels with Unobserved Common Time-specific Factors”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 361–381, doi: 10.1002/jae.944 .
#### Example 6-3
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Not run:
data("TradeEU", package = "pder")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ols <- plm(trade ~ gdp + dist + rer + rlf + sim + cee + emu + bor + lan, TradeEU,
model = "pooling", index = c("pair", "year"))
fe <- update(ols, model = "within")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
re <- update(fe, model = "random")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
phtest(re, fe)
## ----results='hide'------------------------------------------------------
ht1 <- plm(trade ~ gdp + dist + rer + rlf + sim + cee + emu + bor + lan |
rer + dist + bor | gdp + rlf + sim + cee + emu + lan ,
data = TradeEU, model = "random", index = c("pair", "year"),
inst.method = "baltagi", random.method = "ht")
ht2 <- update(ht1, trade ~ gdp + dist + rer + rlf + sim + cee + emu + bor + lan |
rer + gdp + rlf + dist + bor| sim + cee + emu + lan)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
phtest(ht1, fe)
phtest(ht2, fe)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ht2am <- update(ht2, inst.method = "am")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
phtest(ht2am, fe)
## End(Not run)