TexasElectr {pder} | R Documentation |
Production of Electricity in Texas
yearly observations of 10 firms from 1966 to 1983
number of observations : 180
number of time-series : 18
country : Texas
package : productionpanel
JEL codes: D24, C13, C51, C23, J31
Chapter : 02, 03
A dataframe containing:
- id
the firm identifier
- year
the year, from 1966 to 1983
- output
- pfuel
price of fuel
- plab
price of labor
- pcap
price of capital
- expfuel
expense in fuel
- explab
expense in labor
- expcap
expense in capital
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive : http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/
Kumbhakar SC (1996) “Estimation of Cost Efficiency with Heteroscedasticity: An Application to Electric Utilities”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D, 45, 319–335.
Horrace and Schmidt (1996) “Confidence Statements for Efficiency Estimates From Stochastic Frontier Models”, Journal of Productity Analysis, 7, 257–282, doi: 10.1007/BF00157044 .
Horrace and Schmidt (2012) “Multiple Comparisons with the Best, with Economic Applications”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 15(1), 1–26, doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1255(200001/02)15:1<1::AID-JAE551>3.0.CO;2-Y .
#### Example 2-6
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data("TexasElectr", package = "pder")
TexasElectr$cost <- with(TexasElectr, explab + expfuel + expcap)
TE <- pdata.frame(TexasElectr)
ercomp(log(cost) ~ log(output), TE)
models <- c("within", "random", "pooling", "between")
sapply(models, function(x)
coef(plm(log(cost) ~ log(output), TE, model = x))["log(output)"])
#### Example 3-2
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data("TexasElectr", package = "pder")
if (requireNamespace("dplyr")){
TexasElectr <- mutate(TexasElectr,
pf = log(pfuel / mean(pfuel)),
pl = log(plab / mean(plab)) - pf,
pk = log(pcap / mean(pcap)) - pf)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TexasElectr <- mutate(TexasElectr, q = log(output / mean(output)))
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TexasElectr <- mutate(TexasElectr,
C = expfuel + explab + expcap,
sl = explab / C,
sk = expcap / C,
C = log(C / mean(C)) - pf)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TexasElectr <- mutate(TexasElectr,
pll = 1/2 * pl ^ 2,
plk = pl * pk,
pkk = 1/2 * pk ^ 2,
qq = 1/2 * q ^ 2)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cost <- C ~ pl + pk + q + pll + plk + pkk + qq
shlab <- sl ~ pl + pk
shcap <- sk ~ pl + pk
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
R <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 14)
R[1, 2] <- R[2, 3] <- R[3, 5] <- R[4, 6] <- R[5, 6] <- R[6, 7] <- 1
R[1, 9] <- R[2, 12] <- R[3, 10] <- R[4, 11] <- R[5, 13] <- R[6, 14] <- -1
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
z <- plm(list(cost = C ~ pl + pk + q + pll + plk + pkk + qq,
shlab = sl ~ pl + pk,
shcap = sk ~ pl + pk),
TexasElectr, model = "random",
restrict.matrix = R)