MagazinePrices {pder} | R Documentation |
Magazine Prices
yearly observations of 38 magazines from 1940 to 1980
number of observations : 1262
number of time-series : 41
country : United States
package : binomialpanel
JEL codes: L82
Chapter : 08
A dataframe containing:
- year
the year
- magazine
the magazine name
- price
the price of the magazine in january
- change
has the price changed between january of the current year and january of the following year ?
- length
number of years since the previous price change
- cpi
gdp deflator index
- cuminf
cummulative change in inflation since the previous price change
- sales
single copy sales of magazines for magazine industry
- cumsales
cumulative change in magazine industry sales since previous price change
- included
is the observation included in the econometric analysis ?
- id
group index numbers used for the conditional logit estimation
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive :
Willis, Jonathan L. (2006) “Magazine Prices Revisited”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(3), 337-344, doi: 10.1002/jae.836 .
Cecchetti, Stephen G. (1986) “The Frequency of Price Adjustment, a Study of Newsstand Prices of Magazines”, Journal of Econometrics, 31, 255-274, doi: 10.1016/0304-4076(86)90061-8 .
#### Example 8-3
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data("MagazinePrices", package = "pder")
logitS <- glm(change ~ length + cuminf + cumsales, data = MagazinePrices,
subset = included == 1, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
logitD <- glm(change ~ length + cuminf + cumsales + magazine,
data = MagazinePrices,
subset = included == 1, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
if (requireNamespace("survival")){
logitC <- clogit(change ~ length + cuminf + cumsales + strata(id),
data = MagazinePrices,
subset = included == 1)
if (requireNamespace("texreg")){
screenreg(list(logit = logitS, "FE logit" = logitD,
"cond. logit" = logitC), omit.coef = "magazine")