LateBudgets {pder} | R Documentation |
Late Budgets
yearly observations of 48 States from 1978 to 2007
number of observations : 1440
number of time-series : 30
country : United States
package : limdeppanel
JEL codes: C78, D72, H61, H72
Chapter : 08
A dataframe containing:
- state
the state
- year
the year
- late
late budget ?
- dayslate
number of days late for the budget
- unempdiff
unemployment variation
- splitbranch
split branch
- splitleg
split legislature
- elecyear
election year
- endbalance
end of year balances in the general fund and stabilization fund
- demgov
democrat governor ?
- lameduck
- govexp
number of years since the incumbent governor took office
- newgov
new governor ?
- pop
the polulation
- kids
percentage of population aged 5-17
- elderly
percentage of population aged 65 or older
- nocarry
does the state law does not allow a budget deficit to be carried over to the next fiscal year ?
- supmaj
is a super majority required to pass each budget ?
- fulltimeleg
full time legislature ?
- shutdown
shutdown provision ?
- black
percentage of blacks
- graduate
percentage of graduates
- censusresp
census response rate
- fiveyear
five year dummies, one of '93-97', '98-02', '03-07'
- deadline
is there a deadline ? one of 'none', 'soft' and 'hard'
American Economic Association Data Archive :
Andersen, Asger Lau; Lassen, David Dreyer and Lasse Holboll Westh Nielsen (2012) “Late Budgets”, American Economic Journal, Economic Policy, 4(4), 1-40, doi: 10.1257/pol.4.4.1 .
#### Example 8-4
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data("LateBudgets", package = "pder")
LateBudgets$dayslatepos <- pmax(LateBudgets$dayslate, 0)
LateBudgets$divgov <- with(LateBudgets,
factor(splitbranch == "yes" |
splitleg == "yes",
labels = c("no", "yes")))
LateBudgets$unemprise <- pmax(LateBudgets$unempdiff, 0)
LateBudgets$unempfall <- - pmin(LateBudgets$unempdiff, 0)
form <- dayslatepos ~ unemprise + unempfall + divgov + elecyear +
pop + fulltimeleg + shutdown + censusresp + endbalance + kids +
elderly + demgov + lameduck + newgov + govexp + nocarry +
supmaj + black + graduate
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
FEtobit <- pldv(form, LateBudgets)