GiantsShoulders {pder} | R Documentation |
Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Research
yearly observations of 216 articles from 1970 to 2001
number of observations : 4880
number of time-series : 32
country : United States
package : countpanel
JEL codes: D02, D83, I23, O30
Chapter : 08
A dataframe containing:
- pair
the pair article index
- article
the article index
- brc
material of the article is deposit on a Biological Ressource Center
- pubyear
publication year of the article
- brcyear
year of the deposit in brc of the material related to the article
- year
the year index
- citations
the number of citations
American Economic Association Data Archive :
Furman, Jeffrey L. and Scott Stern (2011) “Climbing Atop the Shoulders of Giants: the Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Research”, American Economic Review, 101(5), 1933-1963, doi: 10.1257/aer.101.5.1933 .
#### Example 8-6
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Not run:
data("GiantsShoulders", package = "pder")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (requireNamespace("dplyr")){
GiantsShoulders <- mutate(GiantsShoulders, age = year - pubyear)
cityear <- summarise(group_by(GiantsShoulders, brc, age),
cit = mean(citations, na.rm = TRUE))
GiantsShoulders <- mutate(GiantsShoulders,
window = as.numeric( (brc == "yes") &
abs(brcyear - year) <= 1),
post_brc = as.numeric( (brc == "yes") &
year - brcyear > 1),
age = year - pubyear)
GiantsShoulders$age[GiantsShoulders$age == 31] <- 0
GiantsShoulders$year[GiantsShoulders$year < 1975] <- 1970
GiantsShoulders$year[GiantsShoulders$year >= 1975 & GiantsShoulders$year < 1980] <- 1975
if (requireNamespace("pglm")){
t3c1 <- lm(log(1 + citations) ~ brc + window + post_brc + factor(age),
data = GiantsShoulders)
t3c2 <- update(t3c1, . ~ .+ factor(pair) + factor(year))
t3c3 <- pglm(citations ~ brc + window + post_brc + factor(age) + factor(year),
data = GiantsShoulders, index = "pair",
effect = "individual", model = "within", family = negbin)
t3c4 <- pglm(citations ~ window + post_brc + factor(age) + factor(year),
data = GiantsShoulders, index = "article",
effect = "individual", model = "within", family = negbin)
## screenreg(list(t3c2, t3c3, t3c4),
## custom.model.names = c("ols: age/year/pair-FE",
## "NB:age/year/pair-FE", "NB: age/year/article-FE"),
## omit.coef="(factor)|(Intercept)", digits = 3)
## End(Not run)
[Package pder version 1.0-2 Index]