pda {pda}R Documentation

PDA: Privacy-preserving Distributed Algorithm


Fit Privacy-preserving Distributed Algorithms for linear, logistic, Poisson and Cox PH regression with possible heterogeneous data across sites.





Local IPD data in data frame, should include at least one column for the outcome and one column for the covariates


Character site name


pda control data


directory for shared flat file cloud


Universal Resource Identifier for this run


password to authenticate as site_id on uri


hospital-level data, should include the same name as defined in the control file





Michael I. Jordan, Jason D. Lee & Yun Yang (2019) Communication-Efficient Distributed Statistical Inference,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114:526, 668-681
(DLM) Yixin Chen, et al. (2006) Regression cubes with lossless compression and aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 18(12), pp.1585-1599.
(DLMM) Chongliang Luo, et al. (2020) Lossless Distributed Linear Mixed Model with Application to Integration of Heterogeneous Healthcare Data. medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2020.11.16.20230730.
(DPQL) Chongliang Luo, et al. (2021) dPQL: a lossless distributed algorithm for generalized linear mixed model with application to privacy-preserving hospital profiling.
medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2021.05.03.21256561.
(ODAL) Rui Duan, et al. (2020) Learning from electronic health records across multiple sites:
A communication-efficient and privacy-preserving distributed algorithm.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27.3:376–385,
(ODAC) Rui Duan, et al. (2020) Learning from local to global: An efficient distributed algorithm for modeling time-to-event data.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27.7:1028–1036,
(ODACH) Chongliang Luo, et al. (2021) ODACH: A One-shot Distributed Algorithm for Cox model with Heterogeneous Multi-center Data.
medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2021.04.18.21255694.
(ODAH) Mackenzie J. Edmondson, et al. (2021) An Efficient and Accurate Distributed Learning Algorithm for Modeling Multi-Site Zero-Inflated Count Outcomes. medRxiv, pp.2020-12.
(ADAP) Xiaokang Liu, et al. (2021) ADAP: multisite learning with high-dimensional heterogeneous data via A Distributed Algorithm for Penalized regression.
(dGEM) Jiayi Tong, et al. (2022) dGEM: Decentralized Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Model

See Also

pdaPut, pdaList, pdaGet, getCloudConfig and pdaSync.



## In the toy example below we aim to analyze the association of lung status with 
## age and sex using logistic regression, data(lung) from 'survival', we randomly 
## assign to 3 sites: 'site1', 'site2', 'site3'. we demonstrate using PDA ODAL can 
## obtain a surrogate estimator that is close to the pooled estimate. We run the 
## example in local directory. In actual collaboration, account/password for pda server 
## will be assigned to the sites at the server https://pda.one.
## Each site can access via web browser to check the communication of the summary stats.

## for more examples, see demo(ODAC) and demo(ODAP)

# Create 3 sites, split the lung data amongst them
sites = c('site1', 'site2', 'site3')
lung2 <- lung[,c('status', 'age', 'sex')]
lung2$sex <- lung2$sex - 1
lung2$status <- ifelse(lung2$status == 2, 1, 0)
lung_split <- split(lung2, sample(1:length(sites), nrow(lung), replace=TRUE))
## fit logistic reg using pooled data
fit.pool <- glm(status ~ age + sex, family = 'binomial', data = lung2)

# ############################  STEP 1: initialize  ###############################
control <- list(project_name = 'Lung cancer study',
                step = 'initialize',
                sites = sites,
                heterogeneity = FALSE,
                model = 'ODAL',
                family = 'binomial',
                outcome = "status",
                variables = c('age', 'sex'),
                optim_maxit = 100,
                lead_site = 'site1',
                upload_date = as.character(Sys.time()) )

## run the example in local directory:
## specify your working directory, default is the tempdir
mydir <- tempdir()
## assume lead site1: enter "1" to allow transferring the control file  
pda(site_id = 'site1', control = control, dir = mydir)
## in actual collaboration, account/password for pda server will be assigned, thus:
## Not run: pda(site_id = 'site1', control = control, uri = 'https://pda.one', secret='abc123')
## you can also set your environment variables, and no need to specify them in pda:
## Not run: Sys.setenv(PDA_USER = 'site1', PDA_SECRET = 'abc123', PDA_URI = 'https://pda.one')
## Not run: pda(site_id = 'site1', control = control)

##' assume remote site3: enter "1" to allow tranferring your local estimate 
pda(site_id = 'site3', ipdata = lung_split[[3]], dir=mydir)

##' assume remote site2: enter "1" to allow tranferring your local estimate  
pda(site_id = 'site2', ipdata = lung_split[[2]], dir=mydir)

##' assume lead site1: enter "1" to allow tranferring your local estimate  
##' control.json is also automatically updated
pda(site_id = 'site1', ipdata = lung_split[[1]], dir=mydir)

##' if lead site1 initialized before other sites,
##' lead site1: uncomment to sync the control before STEP 2
## Not run: pda(site_id = 'site1', control = control)
## Not run: config <- getCloudConfig(site_id = 'site1')
## Not run: pdaSync(config)

#' ############################'  STEP 2: derivative  ############################ 
##' assume remote site3: enter "1" to allow tranferring your derivatives  
pda(site_id = 'site3', ipdata = lung_split[[3]], dir=mydir)

##' assume remote site2: enter "1" to allow tranferring your derivatives  
pda(site_id = 'site2', ipdata = lung_split[[2]], dir=mydir)

##' assume lead site1: enter "1" to allow tranferring your derivatives  
pda(site_id = 'site1', ipdata = lung_split[[1]], dir=mydir)

#' ############################'  STEP 3: estimate  ############################ 
##' assume lead site1: enter "1" to allow tranferring the surrogate estimate  
pda(site_id = 'site1', ipdata = lung_split[[1]], dir=mydir)

##' the PDA ODAL is now completed!
##' All the sites can still run their own surrogate estimates and broadcast them.

##' compare the surrogate estimate with the pooled estimate 
config <- getCloudConfig(site_id = 'site1', dir=mydir)
fit.odal <- pdaGet(name = 'site1_estimate', config = config)
## see demo(ODAL) for more optional steps

[Package pda version 1.2.7 Index]