pc.filter {pcts}R Documentation

Applies a periodic ARMA filter to a time series


Filter time series with a periodic arma filter. If whiten is FALSE (default) the function applies the given ARMA filter to eps (eps is often periodic white noise). If whiten is TRUE the function applies the “inverse filter” to xx, effectively computing residuals.


pc.filter(model, x, eps, seasonof1st = 1, from = NA, whiten = FALSE,
          nmean = NULL, nintercept = NULL)



the time series to be filtered, a vector.


residuals, a vector or NULL.


the model parameters, a list with components "phi", "theta", "p", "q", "period", "mean" and "intercept", see Details.


the season of the first observation (i.e., of x[1]).


the index from which to start filtering.


if TRUE use x as input and apply the inverse filter to produce eps ("whiten" x), if FALSE use eps as input and generate x ("colour" eps).


a vector of means having the length of the series, see Details.


a vector of intercepts having the length of the series, see details.


The model is specified by argument model, which is a list with the following components:


the autoregression parameters,


the moving average parameters,


the autoregression orders, a single number or a vector with one element for each season,


the moving average orders, a single number or a vector with one element for each season,


number of seasons in a cycle,


means of the seasons,


intercepts of the seasons.

The relation between x and eps is assumed to be the following. Let

yt=xtmuty_t = x_t - mu_t

be the mean corrected series, where mutmu_t is the mean, see below. The equation relating the mean corrected series, yt=xtμty_t=x_t - \mu_t, and eps is the following:

yt=ct+i=1ptϕt(i)yti+i=1qtθt(i)εti+εt y_t = c_t + \sum_{i=1}^{p_t} \phi _t(i)y _{t-i} + \sum_{i=1}^{q_t} \theta_t(i)\varepsilon_{t-i} + \varepsilon_t

where ctc_t is the intercept, nintercept. The inverse filter is obtained by writing this as an equation expressing εt\varepsilon_t through the remaining quantities.

If whiten = TRUE, pc.filter uses the above formula to compute the filtered values of x for t=from,...,n, i.e. whitening the time series if eps is white noise. If whiten = FALSE, eps is computed, i.e. the inverse filter is applied x from eps, i.e. “colouring” x. In both cases the first few values in x and/or eps are used as initial values.

Essentially, the mean is subtracted from the series to obtain the mean-corrected series, say y. Then either y is filtered to obtain eps or the inverse filter is applied to obtain y from eps finally the mean is added back to y and the result returned.

The mean is formed by model$mean and argument nmean. If model$mean is supplied it is recycled periodically to the length of the series x and subtracted from x. If argument nmean is supplied, it is subtracted from x. If both model$mean and nmean are supplied their sum is subtracted from x.

The above gives a vector y, yt=xtμty_t=x_t - \mu_t, which is then filtered. If the mean is zero, yt=xty_t=x_t in the formulas below.

Finally, the mean is added back, xt=yt+μtx_t=y_t+\mu_t, and the new x is returned.

The above gives a vector y which is used in the filtering. If the mean is zero, yt=xty_t=x_t in the formulae below.

pc.filter can be used to simulate pc-arma series with the default value of whiten=FALSE. In this case eps is the input series and y the output.

yt=ct+i=1ptϕt(i)yti+i=1qtθt(i)εti+εt y_t = c_t + \sum_{i=1}^{p_t} \phi _t(i)y _{t-i} + \sum_{i=1}^{q_t} \theta_t(i)\varepsilon_{t-i} + \varepsilon_t

Then model$mean or nmean are added to y to form the output vector x.

Residuals corresponding to a series y can be obtained by setting whiten=TRUE. In this case y is the input series. The elements of the output vector eps are calculated by the formula:

εt=cti=1qtθt(i)εtii=1ptϕt(i)yti+yt \varepsilon_t = - c_t - \sum_{i=1}^{q_t} \theta_t(i)\varepsilon_{t-i} - \sum_{i=1}^{p_t} \phi _t(i)y _{t-i} + y_t

There is no need in this case to restore x since eps is returned.

In both cases any necessary initial values are assumed to be already in the vectors. If from is not supplied it is chosen as the smallest i such that for all tit\ge i, t-p[t]>0 and t-q[t]>0, i.e. the filter will not require negative indices for x or eps.

pc.filter calls the lower level function pc.filter.xarma to do the computation.


The filtered series: the modified x if whiten=FALSE, the modified eps if whiten=TRUE.




Georgi N. Boshnakov

See Also

the lower level functions pc.filter.xarma which do the computations

[Package pcts version 0.15.7 Index]