PCM_ABC {pcmabc}R Documentation

ABC estimation for PCMs


The function does parameter estimation through Approximate Bayesian Computations (ABC) for user defined models of trait and phylogeny evolution. In particular the phenotype may influence the branching dynamics.


PCM_ABC(phyltree, phenotypedata, par0, phenotype.model, fbirth, fdeath = NULL, 
X0 = NULL, step = NULL, abcsteps = 200, eps = 0.25, fupdate = "standard", 
typeprintprogress = "dist", tree.fixed=FALSE, 



The phylogeny in phylo format. The tree can be obtained from e.g. a nexus file by the read.nexus() function from the ape package. The "standard" ape node indexing is assumed: for a tree with nn tips, the tips should have indices 1:n and the root index n+1.


A matrix with the rows corresponding to the tip species while the columns correspond to the traits. The rows should be in the same as the order in which the species are in the phylogeny (i.e. correspond to the node indices 1:n, where nn is the number of tips).


The starting parameters for the estimation procedure. This is a list of 1, 2 or 3 lists. The lists have to be named as
phenotype.model.params, birth.params (optional if tree.fixed is TRUE and death.params (optional). The phenotype.model.params list corresponds to parameters governing the trait evolution process, the birth.params to the birth rate of the branching process and the death.params to the extinction rate. The last element is optional as one can have just a pure birth tree. The entries of all the lists should be named. Each of the three lists can have three special fields fixed, abcstepsd, positivevars. The field fixed is a logical vector of length equalling the number of parameters. If an entry is TRUE, then that parameter is not optimized over but kept at its initial value throughout the whole ABC procedure. The field abcstepsd is a numeric vector equalling the number of parameters. It is the standard deviation of the random update of the parameter, i.e. providing control on how much one wants to jump in each parameter dimension. The field positivevars is a logical vector of length equalling the number of parameters and indicating if the given parameter is to be positive TRUE or arbitrary FALSE. Notice that even if fixed has true entries, then corresponding entries have to be present in abcstepsd and positivevars (but their values do not matter).


The name of a function to simulate the phenotype over a period of time. The function has to have four parameters (in the following order not by name): time, params, X0 and step. The parameter time is the duration of the simulation, i.e. the length of the branch. The parameter params is a list of the parameters governing the simulation, what will be passed here is the list
phenotype.model.params, without the fields fixed, abstepsd and
positivevars. It is up to the function in phenotype.model to interpret the provided parameters. X0 stands for the value at the start of the branch and step is a control parameter governing the time step size of the simulation. The pcmabc package has inbuilt support for simulating the trait as as stochastic differential equation by the yuima package with the function simulate_sde_on_branch(). However, the user needs to write the phenotype.model function that translates the vector of parameters into an object that is understandable by yuima and then call simulate_sde_on_branch(), see the Example.

The phenotype is simulated prior to the simulation of the speciation/extinction events on a lineage (see Details). Hence, it is not possible (at the moment) to include some special event (e.g. a cladogenetic jump) at branching. Such dynamics are only possible at the start of the lineage, i.e. when the new lineage is separated from the main lineage. Hence, cladogenetic change can only be included as an event connected with a lineage (subpopulation) breaking off.


A function that returns the birth rate at a given moment. The fist parameter of the function has to correspond to the value of the phenotype (it is a vector first element is time and the others the values of the trait(s)) and the second to the list of birth parameters birth.params, see par0. The time entry of the phenotype vector is at the moment relative to an unspecified (from fbirth's perspective) speciation event on the phylogeny. Hence, it cannot be used as for writing a time-inhomogenous speciation function. The speciation process is assumed to be time homogeneous in the current implementation. The package has support for two inbuilt rate functions. The can be indicated by passing a string in fbirth: either "rate_id" or "rate_const". The string "rate_const" corresponds to a constant rate and has to have the rate's value in field called $rate. However, a switching of rates is allowed. If the value of the first trait exceeds a certain threshold (provided in field $switch of birth parameters), then the rate is changed to the value in $rate2, see body of hidden function .f_rate_const(), in file rates.R. The string "rate_id" corresponds to the .f_rate_id() function, in file rates.R. If the birth parameters are NULL, then the rate equals the value of the first phenotype. However, a number of linear, threshold and power transformations of the rate are possible. The field varnum indicates the index of the variable to take as the one influencing the rate (remember to add 1 for the time entry). Then, if xx stands for the trait influencing the branching rate it is transformed into a rate by the following fields in the following order. Set rate<-x and let params correspond to the list containing the branching parameters.

  • substractbaserate<-max(0,params$rate-substractbase) rate<-abs(rate)

  • p and if is.null(params$raise.at.end) || !params$raise.at.end rate<-rate^params$p

  • base and !is.null(params$const)
    if (res<params$base){rate<-params$const}

  • base and is.null(params$const)
    if (res<params$base){rate<-0}

  • invbase and !is.null(params$const)
    if (res>params$invbase){rate<-params$const}

  • invbase and is.null(params$const)
    if (res>params$invbase){rate<-0}

  • scalerate<-rate/params$scale

  • p and if params$raise.at.endrate<-rate^params$p res<-abs(res)

  • maxvalif(rate>params$maxval){rate<-params$maxval}


A function that returns the birth rate at a given moment. Its structure is the same as fbirth. The current version of the package does not provide any support for any inbuilt function.


The value of the ancestral state at the start of the tree. If NULL, then the mean of the contemporary observations is used.


The time step size for simulating the phenotype. If not provided, then calculated as min(0.001,tree.height/1000).


The number of steps of the ABC search procedure.


The acceptance tolerance of the ABC algorithm.


How should the parameters be updated at each step of the ABC search algorithm. The user may provide their own function that has to handle the following call fupdate(par,par0,baccept,ABCdist,phenotypedata,phyltree), where par is the current proposal for the parameter, baccept a logical variable indicating if par were accepted or rejected and ABCdist the distance between the observed and simulated under par data. The three other parameters par0, phenotypedata and phyltree are those that were provided in the call to ABCdist. The user may write "standard" in place of providing a function and then the internal function .f_standard_update(). This function makes mean 0 normal jitters (with standard deviation provided through abcstepsd from par0) for accepted parameters or if they were not accepted draws new parameters from a uniform on [-10,10] distribution.


What should be printed out at each step of the ABC search algorithm. If NULL, then nothing, otherwise the package offers one possibility, "dist"-the iteration number and distance of the simulated dataset from. The user is free to write their own function here. The first parameter of the function has to be an integer(the iteration number), the second a real value (the distance) and the third a list (the proposed model parameters, see par0 format).


Does the trait value process influence the branching dynamics (FALSE) or the branching structure is independent of the trait (TRUE).


A vector with two entries, the first is the method for calculating the distance between the simulated and observed trait data. The second is is the method for calculating the distance between the simulated and observed phylogeny. Possible values for the phenotype distance are "variance", "variancemean", "order" and for the distance between phylogenies are "bdcoeffs", "node_heights", "logweighted_node_heights", "RF.dist", "wRF.dist", "wRFnorm.dist", "KF.dist", "path.dist", "path.dist.weights", "dist.topo.KF1994",
"treeDist", "BHV" and "BHVedge". The "BHV" and "BHVedge" methods will only work if the distory package is installed. If it is not, then they will be replaced by "wRFnorm.dist" and "RF.dist" respectively. The distory package is orphaned at the moment on CRAN. See Details for description of the methods. The choice of which distance calculation method is better seems to depend on the model of evolution, number of abcsteps and value of eps. Some experimentation is recommended. If the tree is assumed to be fixed, then the tree distance method is ignored.


Some details of the function might change. In a future release it should be possible for the user to provide their own custom distance function, time-inhomogenous branching and trait simulation. The fields sum.dists.from.data and sum.inv.dists.from.data will probably be removed from the output object.

At the moment the distance function is calculated as (tree.distance+trait.distance)/2 or only with trait.distance if the tree is assumed fixed. The possible distance functions between simulates and observed phenotypes are

The possible distance functions between simulates and observed phenotypes are

The tree is simulated by means of a Cox process (i.e. Poisson process with random rate). First the trait is simulated along the spine of a tree, i.e. a lineage of duration tree.height. Then, along this spine the birth and death rates are calculated (they may depend on the value of the phenotype). The maximum for each rate is calculated and a homogeneous Poisson process with the maximum rate is simulated. Then, these events are thinned. Each event is retained with probability equalling true rate divided by maximum of rate (p. 32, Sheldon 2006). All speciation events are retained until the first death event.



A list, in the form of par0, with a point estimate of the parameters. This point estimate is calculated from all the accepted points by using inverse distance weighting. The distances for the weighting are the


A list with all the accepted parameters during the ABC search. This will allow for the presentation of the posterior distribution of the parameters.


The sum of all the distances between the observed data and the simulated data under the accepted parameter sets in the ABC search procedure.


The sum of all the inverses of the distances between the observed data and the simulated data under the accepted parameter sets in the ABC search procedure.


Krzysztof Bartoszek


Bartoszek, K. and Lio', P (2019). Modelling trait dependent speciation with Approximate Bayesian Computation. Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 12(1):25-47.

Sheldon R. M. (2006). Simulation. Elsevier Academic Press.

See Also



## simulate 3d OUBM model
## This example requires the R package ape
## (to generate the tree in phylo format).


    A <- c(paste("(-",params$a11,")*(x1-(",params$psi1,"))
    S <- matrix( c( params$s11, params$s12, 0, 0, params$s22 
    , 0, 0, 0, params$s33), 3, 3,byrow=TRUE)
    yuima.3d <- yuima::setModel(drift = A, diffusion = S,
    state.variable=c("x1","x2","x3"),solve.variable=c("x1","x2","x3") )

step<-0.5 ## for keeping example's running time short <5s as CRAN policy, 
            ## in reality should be much smaller e.g. step<-0.001          
simres<-simulate_phenotype_on_tree(phyltree, simulate_mvsl_sde, sde.params, X0, step)

## extract the measurements at the tips



step<-0.05 ## for keeping example's running time short <5s as CRAN policy, 
            ## in reality should be much smaller e.g. step<-0.001          
abcsteps<-2 ## for keeping example's running time short <5s as CRAN policy, 
          ## in reality should be much larger e.g. abcsteps<-500
eps<-1 ## for toy example's output to be useful, 
          ## in reality should be much smaller e.g. eps<-0.25
## estimate parameters

[Package pcmabc version 1.1.3 Index]