Bayesian Network Learning with the PCHC and Related Algorithms

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Documentation for package ‘pchc’ version 1.2

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pchc-package Bayesian Network Learning with the PCHC and Related Algorithms
auc ROC and AUC
big_cor Correlation matrix for FBM class matrices (big matrices)
big_read Read big data or a big.matrix object
bn.skel.utils Utilities for the skeleton of a (Bayesian) Network
bn.skel.utils2 Utilities for the skeleton of a (Bayesian) Network
bnmat Adjacency matrix of a Bayesian network
bnplot Plot of a Bayesian network
cat.tests Chi-square and G-square tests of (unconditional) indepdence
chi2test G-square test of conditional indepdence
chi2test_univariate All pairwise G-square and chi-square tests of indepedence
conf.edge.lower Lower limit of the confidence of an edge
cor.fbed Variable selection for continuous data using the FBED algorithm
cor2pcor Partial correlation matrix from correlation or covariance matrix
corpairs Correlation between pairs of variables
correls Correlation between a vector and a set of variables
cortest Correlation significance testing using Fisher's z-transformation
dcor.fedhc.skel The skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the FEDHC algorithm using the distance correlation
fedhc The FEDHC and FEDTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
fedhc.boot Bootstrapping the FEDHC and FEDTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
fedhc.skel The skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the FEDHC algorithm
fedhc.skel.boot Bootstrap versions of the skeleton of a Bayesian network
fedtabu The FEDHC and FEDTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
fedtabu.boot Bootstrapping the FEDHC and FEDTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
g2test G-square test of conditional indepdence
g2test_perm G-square test of conditional indepdence
g2test_univariate All pairwise G-square and chi-square tests of indepedence
g2test_univariate_perm All pairwise G-square and chi-square tests of indepedence
is.dag Check whether a directed graph is acyclic
mb Markov blanket of a node in a Bayesian network
mmhc The MMHC and MMTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
mmhc.boot Bootstrapping the MMHC and MMTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
mmhc.skel The skeleton of a Bayesian network learned with the MMHC algorithm
mmhc.skel.boot Bootstrap versions of the skeleton of a Bayesian network
mmpc Variable selection for continuous data using the MMPC algorithm
mmtabu The MMHC and MMTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
mmtabu.boot Bootstrapping the MMHC and MMTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
pc.sel Variable selection for continuous data using the PC-simple algorithm
pchc The PCHC and PCTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
pchc.boot Bootstrapping the PCHC and PCTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
pchc.skel The skeleton of a Bayesian network learned with the PC algorithm
pchc.skel.boot Bootstrap versions of the skeleton of a Bayesian network
pcor Partial correlation
pctabu The PCHC and PCTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
pctabu.boot Bootstrapping the PCHC and PCTABU Bayesian network learning algorithms
pi0est Estimation of the percentage of null p-values
rbn Random values simulation from a Bayesian network
rbn2 Continuous data simulation from a DAG.
rbn3 Continuous data simulation from a DAG.
rmcd Outliers free data via the reweighted MCD
topological_sort Topological sort of a Bayesian network