Principal Component of Explained Variance

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Documentation for package ‘pcev’ version 2.2.2

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pcev-package pcev: A package for computing principal components of explained variance.
computePCEV Principal Component of Explained Variance
estimatePcev Estimation of PCEV
estimatePcev.default Estimation of PCEV
estimatePcev.PcevBlock Estimation of PCEV
estimatePcev.PcevClassical Estimation of PCEV
estimatePcev.PcevSingular Estimation of PCEV
index Methylation values around BLK gene
methylation Methylation values around BLK gene
methylation2 Methylation values around BLK gene
PcevBlock Constructor functions for the different pcev objects
PcevClassical Constructor functions for the different pcev objects
PcevObj Constructor functions for the different pcev objects
PcevSingular Constructor functions for the different pcev objects
permutePval Permutation p-value
permutePval.default Permutation p-value
permutePval.PcevBlock Permutation p-value
permutePval.PcevClassical Permutation p-value
permutePval.PcevSingular Permutation p-value
pheno Methylation values around BLK gene
pheno2 Methylation values around BLK gene
position Methylation values around BLK gene
position2 Methylation values around BLK gene
roysPval Roy's largest root exact test
roysPval.default Roy's largest root exact test
roysPval.PcevBlock Roy's largest root exact test
roysPval.PcevClassical Roy's largest root exact test
roysPval.PcevSingular Roy's largest root exact test
wilksPval Wilks' lambda exact test
wilksPval.default Wilks' lambda exact test
wilksPval.PcevBlock Wilks' lambda exact test
wilksPval.PcevClassical Wilks' lambda exact test
wilksPval.PcevSingular Wilks' lambda exact test