pcLasso {pcLasso}R Documentation

Fit a model with principal components lasso


Fit a model using the principal components lasso for an entire regularization path indexed by the parameter lambda. Fits linear and logistic regression models.


pcLasso(x, y, w = rep(1, length(y)), family = c("gaussian",
  "binomial"), ratio = NULL, theta = NULL, groups = vector("list",
  1), lambda.min.ratio = ifelse(nrow(x) < ncol(x), 0.01, 1e-04),
  nlam = 100, lambda = NULL, standardize = F, SVD_info = NULL,
  nv = NULL, propack = T, thr = 1e-04, maxit = 1e+05,
  verbose = FALSE)



Input matrix, of dimension nobs x nvars; each row is an observation vector.


Response variable. Quantitative for family = "gaussian". For family="binomial", should be a numeric vector consisting of 0s and 1s.


Observation weights. Default is 1 for each observation.


Response type. Either "gaussian" (default) for linear regression or "binomial" for logistic regression.


Ratio of shrinkage between the second and first principal components in the absence of the 1\ell_1 penalty. More convenient way to specify the strength of the quadratic penalty. A value between 0 and 1 (only 1 included). ratio = 1 corresponds to the lasso, 0.5-0.9 are good values to use. Default is NULL. Exactly one of ratio or theta must be specified.


Multiplier for the quadratic penalty: a non-negative real number. theta = 0 corresponds to the lasso, and larger theta gives strong shrinkage toward the top principal components. Default is NULL. Exactly one of ratio or theta must be specified.


A list describing which features belong in each group. The length of the list should be equal to the number of groups, with groups[[k]] being a vector of feature/column numbers which belong to group k. Each feature must be assigned to at least one group. Features can belong to more than one group. By default, all the features belong to a single group.


Smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of the largest lambda value. The default depends on the sample size nobs relative to the number of variables nvars. If nobs >= nvars, the default is 0.0001, close to zero. If nobs < nvars, the default is 0.01. This is only used when the user does not specify a lambda sequence.


Number of lambda values; default is 100.


A user supplied lambda sequence. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own lambda sequence based on nlam and lambda.min.ratio; supplying a value of lambda overrides this.


If TRUE, the columns of the feature matrices are standardized before the algorithm is run. Default is FALSE.


A list containing SVD information. Usually this should not be specified by the user: the function will compute it on its own by default. SVD_info is a list with three elements:

  1. aa: A row-wise concatenation of the k quadratic penalty matrices.

  2. d: A list where the kth element is the vector of squared singular values of the input matrix corresponding to group k.

  3. dd: A list where the kth element is the vector of dk12dkj2d_{k1}^2 - d_{kj}^2 for the input matrix corresponding to group k.

Since the initial SVD of x can be the largest part of the overall computation, we allow the user to compute it once and then re-use. See example below.


Number of singular vectors to use in the singular value decompositions. If not specified, the full SVD is used.


If TRUE (default), uses propack.svd from the svd package to perform the singular value decompositions. If not, uses svd from base R.


Convergence threhold for the coordinate descent algorithm. Default is 1e-4.


Maximum number of passes over the data for all lambda values; default is 1e5.


Print out progess along the way? Default is FALSE.


The objective function for "gaussian" is

1/2RSS/nobs+λβ1+θ/2quadraticpenaltyforgroupk,1/2 RSS/nobs + \lambda*||\beta||_1 + \theta/2 \sum quadratic penalty for group k,

where the sum is over the feature groups 1,...,K1, ..., K. The objective function for "binomial" is

loglik/nobs+λβ1+θ/2quadraticpenaltyforgroupk.-loglik/nobs + \lambda*||\beta||_1 + \theta/2 \sum quadratic penalty for group k.

pcLasso can handle overlapping groups. In this case, the original x matrix is expanded to a nobs x p_1+...+p_K matrix (where p_k is the number of features in group k) such that columns p_1+...+p_{k-1}+1 to p_1+...+p_k represent the feature matrix for group k. pcLasso returns the model coefficients for both the expanded feature space and the original feature space.

One needs to specify the strength of the quadratic penalty either by specifying ratio, which is the ratio of shrinkage between the second and first principal components in the absence of the 1\ell_1 penalty, or by specifying the multiplier theta. ratio is unitless and is more convenient.

pcLasso always mean centers the columns of the x matrix. If standardize=TRUE, pcLasso will also scale the columns to have standard deviation 1. In all cases, the beta coefficients returned are for the original x values (i.e. uncentered and unscaled).


An object of class "pcLasso".


If the groups overlap, a p_1+..._p_K x length(lambda) matrix of coefficients in the expanded feature space. If not, a nvars x length(lambda) matrix of coefficients in the original feature space.


If the groups overlap, a nvars x length(lambda) matrix of coefficients in the original feature space. NULL if the groups do not overlap.


Intercept sequence of length length(lambda).


The actual sequence of lambda values used.


If the groups overlap, the number of non-zero coefficients in the expanded feature space for each value of lambda. Otherwise, the number of non-zero coefficients in the original feature space.


If the groups are overlapping, this is the number of non-zero coefficients in the original feature space of the model for each lambda. If groups are not overlapping, it is NULL.


Error flag for warnings and errors (largely for internal debugging).


Value of theta used in model fitting.


If the groups parameter was passed to the function call, this is a copy of that parameter. Otherwise, it is a list of length 1, with the first element being a vector of integers from 1 to nvars.


If the groups are not overlapping, this has the same value as groups. If the groups are overlapping, then groups[[k]] is the vector from p_1 + ... + p_{k-1} + 1 to p_1 + ... p_k, where p_k is the number of features in group k.


A list containing SVD information. See param SVD_info for more information.


If groups overlap, column means of the expanded x matrix. Otherwise, column means of the original x matrix.


Column means of the original x matrix.


If family = "gaussian", mean of the responses y. Otherwise, it is NA.


A logical flag indicating if the feature groups were overlapping or not.


Actual number of passes over the data for all lambda values.


Response type.


The call that produced this object.


x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 20), 100, 20)
y <- rnorm(100)

# all features in one group by default
fit1 <- pcLasso(x, y, ratio = 0.8)
# print(fit1)  # Not run
# features in groups
groups <- vector("list", 4)
for (k in 1:4) {
    groups[[k]] <- 5 * (k-1) + 1:5
fit2 <- pcLasso(x, y, groups = groups, ratio = 0.8)
# groups can be overlapping
groups[[1]] <- 1:8
fit3 <- pcLasso(x, y, groups = groups, ratio = 0.8)

# specify ratio or theta, but not both
fit4 <- pcLasso(x, y, groups = groups, theta = 10)

# family = "binomial"
y2 <- sample(0:1, 100, replace = TRUE)
fit5 <- pcLasso(x, y2, ratio = 0.8, family = "binomial")

# example where SVD is computed once, then re-used
fit1 <- pcLasso(x, y, ratio = 0.8)
fit2 <- pcLasso(x, y, ratio = 0.8, SVD_info = fit1$SVD_info)

[Package pcLasso version 1.2 Index]